Office Printers
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MF743CDW not printing pdfs correctly on Mac

I recently acquired a MF743CDW printer.  Today when I tried to print a pdf using the Preview PDF viewer on my mac, the italic text printed as a bunch of boxes.  This document printed fine on my work printer and previous home printer. The document als...

MF624CW Stray marks on printed documents

My Color ImageCLASS MF624CW has started ptinting cyan marks along the left side of the page. I've replaced all the toner cartridges and have run all the built in mmaintaince programs, how do I fix thos? See the attached photo.

MF624CW by Apprentice
  • 2 replies

Imageclaass MF642cdw died???

I've had this printer since January. I was printing yesterday and it just died. It won't turn back on. there was no error message or beeping, nothing. Just died.  I unplugged it, pressed and held the power button and nothing happened.  I can't find t...

ImageClass LBP612Cdw software

I bought an ImageClass LBP612Cdw this month at Staples.  The user software DVD that should have been in the box was not there.  Getting a replacement copy from Canon or Staples has been impossible.  And I can't find it online anwhere else.  Do you ha...

Cannon mf731c/733c

The printer is smudging. I have an issue with the prints coming out with what looks like of previous parts of the print to on the printout. I've done some research and noticed a similar post on this board about it printing black dots. This isn't the ...

MF6160dw Will not copy

Hello,  Printer is new, worked good after initial install. Then suddenly will not copy or scan. It still prints just fine. I reloaded new firmware with no change. Just shoots out a blank page. Scanning light looks dull, not bright during scan? 

ImageClass LBP612Cdw software

I bought an open-box LBP612cdw at Staples earlier this month.  This must have been the absolute last one in Staples inventory anywhere.  The user software DVD was missing from the box, and I have had no luck getting one from Canon or Staples.  Does a...

MB2120 too many paper sizes

ONE paper tray soooochanging to new paper size, e.g. 8.5x11 to 4x6 inchesuser is FORCED to go through 10-14 paper size choices on the printer EVERY CHANGE of paper?!?!?!?!? How to either DELETE never/seldom used "stock sizes" with ability to add them...

MF267DW Scan issue

I am not wireless, I am USB wired in.  I cant get the scan to email to work?   It appears to work, but always says canceling at the last second and doesnt go through.  I just bought the printer and hooked it up this morning.  Can anyone help?   Thank...

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