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Tips on Posting


If this is your first time visiting our community, here are some simple tips to get started:


  • As a visitor, you will be able to view all discussions, look around, and search for information.  Explore Discussions & Help to find topic-specific discussion boards.
  • If you want to participate in our community, all you need to do is register.
  • To search for a topic, use the search bar at the top of any page. To narrow your search, use the search bar on the discussion board specific to the topic you want to find. 
  • To ask a question to the community, type your question on the main page on the appropriate discussion board.  If you are unable to find the specific topic related to your question, use the General Discussion board.

When participating in our community, be mindful of these important rules of conduct:


  • Be respectful. Respect people's time and attention by asking well-thought-out questions. Respect people as individuals by keeping your tone positive and your comments constructive.
  • Be relevant. Make sure your contributions are relevant to the spirit of the discussion style and topic where you post. Please do not post duplicate messages in different areas, which creates fragmented discussions. If you have a new question, start a new thread rather than interrupting a topical conversation.
  • Protect your privacy – yours and others. Don't share anything about yourself that you would not want shared publicly. Our community is a public domain after all.
  • Remember, this is user generated content. You'll find plenty of good advice here, but remember that your situation, configuration, or implementation may vary from that of the individual sharing a solution. Apply the same good judgment here that you would apply to information anywhere on the Internet.


For Immediate Response From Canon USA:

We value our customers and want to make sure we address your needs in the best way possible. If you have an inquiry requiring immediate attention from Canon USA’s customer support team for a product manufactured for the United States market, please check our website for support options available:
