User Activity

If this is your first time visiting our community, here are some simple tips to get started:   As a visitor, you will be able to view all discussions, look around, and search for information.  Explore Discussions & Help to find topic-specific discuss...
The Canon Community is hosted and moderated within the United States by Canon USA. We only provide support for Canon products manufactured for and used within the US market. If you live outside the United States, please click here and select your cou...
When you need help with your Canon product, be sure to connect with official Canon support. There are many unauthorized third- party support sites available today, including some scam sites using the Canon logo and product images to falsely pose as o...
Have you had a chance to use our EOS Webcam Utility Mac software? We’d love to know what you think of it! Once you’ve had some experience with it, share your feedback below to get tips and tricks from our support team.   *Verified comments posted be...
*Verified Q&A comments that are commented below this artcile will be given a "kudos" from the official Canon U.S.A. account and added to the FAQ list below.*   Q: What are the supported Canon camera models for the official version? A: In total there...