Professional Photo Printers
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Looking for paper profiles on Canon's site

Hello, I am trying to find the icc profiles for a Pro 10 on Canon's site. Really hard to find. I am not using Adobe software but have installed Print Studio assuming the profiles will come with it however I am not seeing them in the ColorSync folder ...

nvw by Enthusiast
  • 6 replies

Resolved! 2 Canon Pixma Pro 10s

Hello, I just purchased a Pro 10 to do my own photo printing.  While I have been shooting a long time, I have not successfully done my own printing since film days.  My problem is that I shoot in the northern US in the summer and in S Florida in the ...

Resolved! Pro 10 head and cartridge removal

Hi, I've asked this question previously and decided to ask again in a different way to see if someone can help me.  Can you tell me whether you can remove the cartridges and printhead from a Pro 10 and then reinstall a day or two later?  I understand...

Pro-100 terrible disk printing color cast

I am getting a terrible yellow/orangecolor cast when printing disks on my Pro100 printer.  I'm using the latest Easy Photoprint EX software on Windows 7 64-bit to print on Verbatim AquaAce Glossy disks.  These disks printed beautifully on the Epson A...

Pixma Pro-10 | Loud Screeching Noise

I just bought a brand new Pixma Pro-10 and everytime I turn it on it makes a horrible screeching noise and then the Alarm blinks orange. I haven't even set the thing up yet. I removed all of the tape and packaging, double-checked it again, but it con...

DougD by Apprentice
  • 1 replies

cgpdftoraster error while trying to printer

I have been trying to print a few image files from Photo shop and when I hit print I keep receiving a message error. “ Cgpdftoraster ” cannot raster image or something like that? I am able to print other files with no problem. I am printing using Can...

Oiledart by Apprentice
  • 1 replies

Catalina 10.15.4 shifting colors for you?

When I upgraded to Catalina back in November it screwed up my colors and created a magenta cast on my prints. Similar to what this user reported (I'm using the same brand as them, too!).

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anttanant by Contributor
  • 19 replies

PIXMA PRO 100 Color Matching on MacBook

 Hello, I am creating digital artwork in CorelDraw which will eventually be offered on a website for customers to download and print themselves however I have printed several tests, and the colors do not match at all, and the quality is terrible.  I ...

Can't Download Printer Manual

Hello, I have tried repeatedly to download the Pixma Pro 100 manual onto my Macbook Pro.  It will not load or open it.  I have tried everything.  HELP. I can't even find where to open the printer to adjust settings.  I am trying to color calibrate to...

Pro 1000 printing marks and paper feed error

Hi, Hoping someone can help with this. Recently bought a PRO 1000 and after two prints it started printing these black marks about 1cm from the top of the page. I tried the roller cleans and print head cleans and it didn't work. The company that I pu...

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Canon PRO-100 Slow Printing on Windows 10

Hi all.  Hoping someone here has had the same problem and can help me out. I have a PIXMA PRO-100 that I've had for almost 6 years.  I has performed flawlessly for that entire time.  I've always had it connected via Ethernet to my home network and ha...

icc profiles foe Canon ip4850 printer

Hi, i have just got a few samplets on Hahnemuhle Photo Rag Bright white 310gsm, plus Torchon 285gsm bright white.I have been onto Hahnemuhle web site,for icc downloads, but they donot have them for my printer.Can anybody help as to what i should use....

geoff4 by Apprentice
  • 5 replies

Canon Pixma Pro-100 Yellow is Wrong

When I try to print brown, it comes out purple. When I print the nozzle check maintenance page, the yellow portion of the page is instead light brown. I did just put in a new yellow cartridge (among others), so I dont want to replace it unless there ...

Image Cut Off When Printing

I cropped an image to 5x7 in Lightroom.  When I drag it into the PRINT module and select a 5x7 cell the right edge of the image is cut off.  If I decrease the border width to 36 pt then the entire image is visible.  Is there a setting I'm missing?Tha...

Ken_k by Enthusiast
  • 7 replies
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