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Pixma MX490 Keeps Cycling


Canon Pixma MX490 powers on and goes through initialization, then powers back off.  Keeps repeating the process as long as it's plugged in.  Buttons are non-responsive.

354 REPLIES 354


Same exact issue started today on my MX490.  Constant power on shut off loop with only the Canon logo being displayed.  Please fix this I need to print assignments for school!!!


Wow! I'm not a big Canon fan to begin with. This is happening to my Aunt's printer, she is 82! I am helping her but I am also an IT pro with certs and everything! This customer service where everything takes hours just to talk to someone, they don't call back as promised, ignoring something they obviously caused thinking it will just go away, not answering the 37 people who are on this forum with the EXACT SAME ISSUE STARTING ON THE SAME DAY is a low too much for me to ignore.

It is companies like this, and people like, Arthur J, who continue to give IT Tech Support a bad name and I really do not appreciate it AT ALL! Arthur, you have commented twice and said the exact same thing TWICE. You are totally ignoring the people who have done what you said! Do you get points for providing this useless info somehow?

Kick it up the ladder or this page will figure prominently in my small claims lawsuit.

Thank you!!! 

I think the people like Arthur J aren't even people at all.  Given how most companies have a very similar reply and in almost the same wording every time, usually to give them a call, to me means that they are just auto replies.  If you do end up with a small claims lawsuit, post here about it because that will give a precedence for other lawsuits as well.

I wonder if this work around will stop the printer from looking for future updates, and thus a potential fix if Canon even bothers.  It aggravates me because Canon has always been my go to for printers, but this means I will never buy Canon again.

I found a temporary solution. I blocked my printer from internet via my router and it fixed the power cycling. I connected the printer via USB to my computer. It sucks because you can't use the wifi connection. I tried looking for a cold reset to get it back to factory but I can't find instructions.

Check out Italioma's response above.  I haven't tried it yet because the user still needs internet access for work.  It has to do with a DNS error.  Once fixed though, it seems like the wifi stuff works again.  I'm not sure cloud printing will though, but I never bothered with that anyway.

These automated replies are so unhelpful it becomes more an offence to the people having this issue.  Especially when the same post is used multiple times.  If you are a real person, stop hitting the auto reply and actually be helpful.  Given the number of people with this exact issue, it's very apparent that the machines are not the problem, but rather something on Canon's end.  A firmware, a change in the server that the printers connect to for whatever reason, etc.  When you use a response like this, and then people are told to buy a new printer, you spit on the face of everyone who uses your brand and will absolutely cause people to go to competitor brands.

I followed your suggestion italolima, thank you for saving the hair on my head, it worked just like the others have said!!


I am having the same issue worked great last night... and now nothing...I need mine for school... This is horrible... I have tried everything, and I just replaced my ink 😞 
