Camera Software
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EOS Utility connection lost

Hi,This seems to be a somewhat common issue.  I've tried the ideas i have seen in threads/forums and am still having no luck.I am wanting to tether remotely ideally via the cable I bought between my Windows 11 laptop (bought for this reason!) and my ...

Resolved! Connecting to Image.Canon Wifi Date Time Error

Hi I have 2 sx530HS and both were setup with Image Gateway and all was working fine no problems until the shutdown of the server.  Today I tried to connect them to the new Image.Canon server and every time I try the update cloud button on the cameras...

Resolved! DPP 4 Red vs Black AF Squares

When I use cannons d pp4 and I checked the autofocus squares sometimes some are red other times with the same auto focus setting they're all black can anybody explain that to me. I have a 77D 45 squares.

EOS Utility for EOS R7 with MacOS Monterery 12.6

I downloaded the EOS Utility software for MacOS.  I could not specifically find the OS Monterery 12.6, just Monterery 12.  When I double-click on the EU3.16 Installer it extracts files, but then nothing.  There are no files and no installation page. ...

DPP4 Layout Changed

I need some help. I recently uploaded some photos in and noticed my DPP 4 view had changed. I am missing the files panel normally seen on the left. All I see now are thumbnails in the mid-section. I don't see small side arrow and software is at the c...

bja5150 by Contributor
  • 1 replies

Canon Camera Connect Live View Lag

Hello,I have a M50 MII. I'm using Canon Camera Connect on my phone, Samsung Galaxy S22. The live view feature for taking videos is so laggy that it's unusable! For photos I would just bear with it as I can wait for it to catch up to the camera's move...

Resolved! EOS Utility not working with Windows 10

Hi all,   I just upgraded to Windows 10, and immediatly ran into the problem that is described in this thread about Windows 8: After reading that thread I decided to unplug the ...

almaniac by Apprentice
  • 200 replies

Canon R5 - Taking Photos when Camera is OFF

Hi Community,I've got an odd issue with my Canon R5, where when a battery is inserted, the camera may start "taking photos" or opening and closing the shutter when powered off. It's not saving them to the SD card, but randomly will start making noise...

EOS 6D Mark II Camera Connect Remote Live View Laggy

I have connected Canon EOS 6D Mark II to Samsung A7 Lite tablet using Camera Connect app smoothly. Unfortunately, when I go to remote live view, the video stream is very laggy and totally unusable. I need to use the live view very urgently (we are us...

imlask by Apprentice
  • 4 replies

Resolved! EOS Utility 3.16.1 Won't Open

I have a. 5d Mark 4 and. have never been able to get the wifi to workI have downloaded the utiity six times.  It will not open up .MACBOOK air  ventura soft wareAnyone have similar issues ?

Choosing Destination in Canon Connect App

Hi, I'm using the Canon connect app with my R5. When I import the photos to the phone they import to my internal storage. Is there a default setting to imported photos to the SD card?Thanks,Paul

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