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Stereo Audio into XA35 ?

Newbie to video, experienced project audio studio, pro musician.   Goal - high quality HD video with stereo audio, with more online presence vs. so much on the road.  Possibility of DVD production for sale, but at least YouTube exposure. The brand ne...

Gallier by Apprentice
  • 2 replies

Resolved! Vixia HF R600 is no longer recording any videos?

We just purchased the vixia HF R600 video camera a couple of weeks ago.  We have already recorded several videos, played them back on the camera, and uploaded some on the computer.  Today, we recorded several videos but only one was recorded.  All ot...

JSeib9 by Apprentice
  • 8 replies

Resolved! HFG30 - Photo Button GONE?

Hi all, Have had my G30 for a few years.  Suits me just fine.  I think my kids must have gotten a hold of it or something because there used to be, on the touch screen in the bottom left corner, a "photo" button.  Of course, if pressed, the camcorder...

Canon Vixia HF 800 "Cannot record" error

I bought brand new Canon Vixia HF 800 I record 1 or 2 clips successfully , and at the 3rd clip "Cannot record" error popus up at camera screen . I use sandisk Ultra 64 GB Micro SD I initialized the SD card from camera "other settings" But still get t...

Canon Vixia HF G30 configuring Røde video mic

Helppppp! I own a Vixia HF G30 and recently purchased a Rode video mic. In settings, I have a couple audio settings, "MIC" and "LINE". None of them record audio from the mic. The mic I bought doesn't require a battery if that makes a difference. I we...

pelagus by Apprentice
  • 9 replies

Recording direct to PC

Hello all, New member here and first post. Basically, I am trying to set up a recording rig with my Canon Legria HF R56 in such a fashion that I can record direct to my PC. For example, I want to be able to live stream to Twitch, YouTube etc etc thro...

Vixia HF R700 Image Shakes

I bought a couple of these based on the reviews to use to record concerts that I promote. However, when on tripods, the vibration from the music causes the image to distort on both cameras. They are exceptionally light but I have never had this issue...

sprisco by Apprentice
  • 3 replies

Camera Window Cannot Detect Camera

Hi everyone, I am new with Vixia HF R80 - and camcorders in general. I am trying to download my movies from my Vixia. I am connected to my laptop with usb cable supplied by canon. I do not use a hub port, i am connected to the main power. When I turn...

Lens size Canon Vixia HF R500?

I have a 500 and bought a lens hood. I have a 43x52mm step ring. Apparently the 500 has a smaller than 43mm thread. What size is it really? Thanks. EvanG

EvanG by Apprentice
  • 5 replies

Vixia R600 won’t show up on my Mac

I have an 11-inch MacBook Air with no sd card reader. The way I transfer files to my laptop is to use the microusb port. However, the majority of the time when I plug in the cords, nothing happens. Sometimes I am able to transfer the files but usuall...

Canon GH40 MP4 35mbps VS AVCHD 28mbps

Of the 2 recording modes, MP4 at 35 mbps or AVCHD at 28 mbps, which has the higher? I was under the impession AVCHD would be as it is uncompressed whereas the MP4 option has gone thru compression already.

Canon HG20 Trouble Importing to iMovie

Hello Canon Community!I have an older camcorder (HG20). I used to use it a lot, but have not used it in some time. Anywho, I used it the other day for the first time in a year (or two?) and I am unable to import video from the camcorder into iMovie. ...

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