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DM-100 External Mic

I purchased this item back in Dec 2012, but never got around to using it until yesterday.  The microphone did not capture sound.  I checked and rechecked camera settings (including referring to owner's manual).  Upon inspecting the mic's contact poin...

Canon VIXIA HFS200

Anyone ever outputted through the HDMI to a pc? Ideally looking to capture (and later live stream) to a laptop as the monitor. If I could record it there (as well as SD card simulatenously), that would be ideal. Would settle as just using laptop as t...

DNak206 by Apprentice
  • 0 replies

canon es970 camcorder won't eject.

My camera is about 15 years old. I have a tape in it as part of a project to convert from 8mm to digital. Now the camera won't eject my tape. Help! I have the plates off so I can see the housing of the tape/cassette area but I'm not finding the 'magi...

Darci by Apprentice
  • 1 replies

Resolved! Vixia HFm500 camcorder, problems with play back.

I have a Vixia HF M500 camcorder.  I am using a PNY Professional 16GB, Class 10 SDHC card.  When I try to access the AVCHD video I have on the card, via the playback button, I get a yellow [?] instead of a thumbnail of the video on the card.  I have ...

sisko67 by Apprentice
  • 2 replies

Canon XHA1 video camera HD specs

I'm shooting with the Canon XHA1 video camera.  I'm just starting to shoot HD.  The specs state that the camera shoots HD at 1440 x 1080 (16:9), but that is not an actual 16:9.  The real 16:9 ratio would be 1920 x 1080.  My question is 1. Why would t...

HELP!!! Burning video to DVD

I am new to the forum and sure hope I can get some help. I have a Canon VIVIA HF R10 video camera, it takes me hours to combine movie files and burn a DVD. I do this on an old laptop windows vista because I haven't been able to load the Canon softwar...

External microphone issue

When I plug in an Apex162 mini-condenser stereo microphone to my Canon Vixia HF400 camcorder, the audio grays out and there is no sound. Can anyone shed some light on this for me? The Apex appears to have the correct plug, i.e., 3.5 mm. Thanks

Using Start/Stop button as Pause recording?

Is it possible to "pause" the recording with the red button, so that it doesn't create a new clip everytime you start and stop? Because how it is now you have to splice them together at a computer before uploading. 

Reacto by Apprentice
  • 3 replies

How do I find the serial # on my camcorder?

I am trying to reinstall the disk 2/video tools that came with my camcorder. I have the FS20 flash memory. It worked when I first purchased it but now I need to put it on a new computer. Disk 1 installed fine. I was able to add the video to my comput...

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