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Corrupt Images on my 5DMarkIV

Hey there! I have a bunch of corrupt images coming out of my camera. At first I thought maybe the CF card was damaged. I imported the images first through capture one and they were corrupt, then tried through Bridge, and corrupt again. In finder they...

R6 Mark Ii thoughts

This is the camera I am thinking of comes with RF 24-240mm IS USMor about 12% more in price the lens is a  RF 24-105mm F/4L USMI would like to do Macro shots always love how something like a matchbox car looks life size seeing a baby afield on a rose...

Se me bloqueo la impreso

Hola, tengo una impreso canon modelo G4170, se me bloqueo, aparece un código es 1726, ya cambie el cartucho de mantenimiento y sigue igual de bloqueada, como lo puedo solucionar?

keli by Apprentice
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PowerShot SX280 HS Screen Repair

Hello!My camera has a crack on it and there’s black little pixels that are starting to form. I have tried to get product support on here but idk if my camera is too old, the product won’t even appear. does anyone know if they do screen repairs or wha...

Zoombrowser not recognizing PowerShot SX170 IS

Having issues with my old Zoombrowser software, it does not recognize my powershot SX170IS camera suddenly, granted I have been using it for many years and have a ton of pictures saved to files. I am unable to upload anything new and have se...

imageFORMULA RS40 - CaptureOnTouch says "Cannot find a scanner"

Hi,  I recently buy a Canon RV40 imiger scaner. I installed software and looks everything okay. Bet when I run the App CaptureOntouch to start scan, it always show "Can not find a scanner ,check the power and the cable". My device is showed in the se...

bbbwis by Apprentice
  • 2 replies
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