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Is there a standard C-LOG to REC 709 LUT for color grading I can download for the R5C?


We shot some footage with the Canon R5C in C-LOG and I want to add a LUT in Premiere to make it REC 709. I can't find a link to this LUT anywhere on their website or online. Does it exist? A Google search brings up a bunch of LUTs for their other cameras, forum posts and stylized LUTs I can buy. I just want the REC 709 LUT. Anyone have a download link?


Just look on the R5C support website.  You haven't said what country you're in, so here's the UK web site (I dont think it makes any difference what country you go to for the LUTs):

Click the "Software" tab, and scroll down to "Canon Log look-up table for Gamma".  You should find "Canon lookup table Version 201911".  Download that and stash it somewhere relevant.

You will find a LOT of LUTs in there.  I recommend:

  • 3dlut (1d is obsolete)
  • 65grid-3dlut (the others ae fairly obsolete, but if you have an old monitor e.g. which only supports 33 grid, you would use that)
  • full-to-full-range (only choice 😉
  • then the colour space conversion you want.  For example, if you shot log3, you would use "CinemaGamut_CanonLog3-to-BT709_WideDR_65_FF_Ver.2.0.cube"

That should do it.  BTW I think this LUT file is the same for all their cameras (that shoot log).
