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Pixma MX490 Keeps Cycling


Canon Pixma MX490 powers on and goes through initialization, then powers back off.  Keeps repeating the process as long as it's plugged in.  Buttons are non-responsive.

354 REPLIES 354

Assuming this is related to DNS fix? I just did it a bit ago and noticed something I'm still thinking and asking questions about. My BIG question is: Did our printers suddenly lose the CORRECT DNS IP? Because when I went to change my printer settings, mine was all zeroes, so no change. But during DAYS of this, I had written down my printer IP address I'd gotten somewhere (now can't find it but if I disabled it, it's no longer there?) Anyway, there was a discrepancy between the printer IP and my network IP. By one number. Last digits for one were 66, the other 65! Maybe if printer is set for correct/same IP address of wireless, it will ALL work?

Short answer is 'no'.  The IP address originally in the 'Web Services' DNS setting appears to be filled in automatically when the printer is first configured.  It is same as the DNS address set in your router settings. 


I think this was caused by Cannon. I found this article and it works. Problem is until Cannon fixes what the screwed up you will only be able to print via a USB cord.

Try this article. The printers will ONLY print from a USB for now until Cannon fixes what they clearly caused...

That better not be the case... Did you try to turn off the printer AND the wifi? While the Wifi is off turn the printer back on and it will boot up. Then go into settings and disable the wifi. You will only be able to print via a USB, but at least you can print. I hope Cannon fixes this... Article is here if you want to read it.

That's not accurate.  If you follow the instructions to 'remove' access to the internet (change the DNS address in Web Services to a non-DNS address), you will still be able to print wirelessly on your local network (no USB required).



Canon Pixma MX90 powers on and goest through initialization, then powers off.  It repeats the process as long as it's plugged in.  Buttons are non-responsive.  It is the same problem that everyone has experienced on the same day.  Mine began last night and continues today.  CANON FIX THIS PLEASE!

On the printer ... The button picturing tools


That solution works for printing wirelessly. I've been doing it all day. From laptop to printer. At least it seems the same as copy below. NOT a REAL solution tho CANON! Fix it for REAL!

To begin, I used my IP address, changed a bit for this fix. Get it at computer control panel--view network status--connections (hyperlinked, gives wifi status when clicked)--details button--write down IPv4 address. Unplug printer while it's off. Unplug router. Plug printer back in and it will start. On mine & I think most, press "tools" button, gives you setup menu. Use arrows to move thru selections and OK to make selection. Arrow thru to web service setup, OK. Arrow to DNS server setup, OK. Arrow to manual setup, OK. I had all zeroes here, used my IP address but changed last 3 to 006, but I think any number will work, OK. (My wireless requires key/password and I hope yours does too, but it's wrong anyway so...) Then select NO option. Printer will do its thing. When menu comes back, I think press the tools button again to exit. Then plug router back in. It will take awhile for it to reboot and your wireless service to return. When it does, you can wireless print/work again. On and off creates no issues. In effect, this disables your printer's capability of connecting to the web (cloud?), but does NOTHING to your local wireless.


I had this problem to. This problem can rectified by preventing your printer from having internet access. You can do this through your router if it has the option to manage devices within the router gui. Just block the printer from the internet. While this will prevent your printer from reaching the internet it will still allow LAN access so your home devices can still print to the printer.
