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Resolved! Canon XA50 Histogram

Hi guys, How do you display the histogram on a Canon XA50? I have just bought my first Canon and I can't find this option in the menu. Any ideas? Thank you! 

ElizaW by Apprentice
  • 1 replies

File Read Error on my Canon Vixia RF 500.

All of a sudden, after the using the camera successfully for years, I suddenly get a File Read Error on my camera and am unable to record anything.  I have it set to MP4 recording.  Any ideas what is happening and how to solve it?  Thanks

HF G20 audio input

I am trying to set up for recording our church sermons.  We have an audio system which accepts inputs from a variety of mics and outputs it to the speakers.  Each mic input has a volume level and the system has a master volume.  Our previous sound gu...

XA40 4ch audio (or XA11) Samples?

Hey all! Long time lurker, first time poster. I'm considering purchasing the XA40 to take advantage of the 4 channel audio. I'm not sure that my software & current workflow will work well with the 4 channel audio. Does someone have a sample file they...

markjx by Apprentice
  • 0 replies

Canon XF 305 Missing Files?

So, the studio where I do my freelancing and part time work recently got a new Canon XF 305.We've been using it for a few weeks with no issues, we've had two 305s for the past two years before and also have 3 300's that we've had for years. Using 32 ...

Canon Vixia HF R800 - Regarding 24p mode

So basically, to get the "film/cinematic" look, you must shoot at 24fps, and so this Camcorder allows it.However, 24fps with an fast shutter speed, does bring a really choopy and just unnatural look.You're going to want to shoot at the shutter speed ...

Resolved! Vixia HFR 700 camera stops filming SD card too slow

I have the Canon, Vixia HFR 700.  No matter what SD card I put in or what setting I use, the camerathe card seems too slow to keep up, but I checked the card for speed and it should be fine.  It films for a bit then stops.If I press stop, it takes a ...

Chayyath by Apprentice
  • 4 replies

Resolved! VIXIA HF G40 picture anomaly in the margins

 I upgraded from a G30 to this G40 several years ago but really didnt shoot video much with it until this past year. At times when shotting I thoiught I noticed a focus issue in the left and right margins of the viewfinder as I was shooting but forgo...

Vixia HF R700 will no longer transfer videos to PC

It has worked fine for about three  years.  Now the newer videos are shown as question marks in CameraWindow.  Windows File Explorer finds the folders but says they are empty.  On the camera itself, I can view the videos.

mah1124 by Contributor
  • 9 replies

Canon Legria HF R806

Does this camcorder have a pause option as I have bought it as it listed saying it did, but we haven’t been able to figure out how to pause the video.

Black screen vixia HF R 400 Black screen issues

Hi, i dont know if Someone can help me with my issue but i have a problem with my camera vixia , the problem is when i record it only record sounds the image is always black... I can go in the different menu or watch old video I recorded , but now I ...

Meuh by Apprentice
  • 1 replies

XA45 Microphone holder

I recently purchased the Canon XA45 and bought an Azden external microphone.  Problem is, it's too small for the Canon Microphone holder.  Is there a rubber spacer available to purchase?  I can use the hotshoe attachment provided with the microphone,...

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