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My question is if there is a way to configure the camera (change its settings) and then save the settings other than via the menu system on the camera itself?  I hoped that the EOS Utility could do it but I don't see a way to set the settings.  Perha...
The title basically is the question.  I am shooting macro photography and I need to take a series of images and stack them.  The way this is done in the field (I'm told) is to press the shutter and as the camera clicks off the frames, slowly move for...
I’m trying to understand the three choices Canon gives me for the “Initial Servo AF pt for face detect”.  This is the top menu item on the AF5 menu.   I have played with the different options and I can’t figure out why Canon has given me these option...
Suppose I am in Program mode according to the Mode that I select via the top Mode button.  I set, just as an example, image quality to RAW (only).  I then clear the settings in C3 via the menu and then switch to Mode C3 via the Mode button.  I notice...
On the Canon R5:In C.Fn5, there is “Clear all Custom Func. (C.Fn).In Set Up5, there is “Reset Camera”Also in Set Up5, there is “Custom shooting mode (C1-C3)”.  If I pick this menu item, there is “Clear settings”.  If I pick that I can clear one of th...
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