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My suggestion can be deduced from the title.  I would like every still photo setting in a camera's manual to be marked explicitly that it does or does not have any effect on saved RAW images.  The same for all video settings. I shoot raw still images...
This may be a Premiere Pro question.  As I write this, I'm discovering some more details and I'm getting even more confused.I shot a bunch of videos with the Custom Picture set to C7.  C7 I set up to record in Cinema Gamut with CLOG2.  I registered t...
I was out today and a red something hawk flew into a live oak tree with a lot of cluttering branches behind it.  (I can't readily tell the difference between a red-tailed hawk and a red-shouldered hawk and both are fairly common here in Texas.).The R...
The emails I get telling me that there is a new response to a thread I'm following have links that do not work.  It appears that they are empty.  Here is a piece of the raw text from one email:<a class=3D"thread-url" href=3D"">Request: Electronic lev...
The Functions available for customization are not described very well.  What each function does is not described and often, aside from what the button does, there is additional information needed such as how do you set up a "registered AF point"? I h...