"The salesperson said the parts even back when this was made were pretty interchangeable between the two brands..."
Pure nonsense. When they were separate companies, only the mount was shared
The KS Super II isn't a Pentax. It's a Ricoh.
The Pentax 17 has an astoundingly good meter and a sharp lens. I'm not a fan of half-frame, but I bought one and use it regularly. Truly a great camera.The supposed Pentax SLR will be full frame.
Pentax t...
Old cameras are a hoot to use. Love my Nikon F, FM, Pentax K2, K1000, ME, and MX. I wish I would not have sold my Canon Elan 7e years ago. That was a fine camera. I do miss it. I'd love to score an A1.
That really makes me happy to recommend the bargain of the century and for someone to see it as such. I use high-end cameras for my work, but the R100 is too good not to own and I use it all the time.