Professional Photo Printers
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Resolved! Pixma Pro-100 My photos are too dark

What am i doing wrong? I admit i never took the time to go through the proper set-up for presets but I have been printing good photos on other printers for years.  Why I am having so much trouble with my Pro-100? I know it is capable of specular prin...

Mocnrief by Contributor
  • 2 replies

PIXMA 9000 ink -- "EU ONLY" label

We have a user with an old 9000.  When she recently replaced an ink cart, color accuracy changed dramatically (reds looked orange).  The replacement cart is OEM & purchased recently, but the user pointed out that the cart label included "EU ONLY" ben...

CKrug by Apprentice
  • 3 replies

Pixma Pro 100 never has printed

I purchased a Pixma Pro 100 in August of 2015 and just now took it out of the box and set it up. Before you yell at me, I had a deployed spouse for a year so anything photography just didn't happen. It has never printed. When I went to print my first...

Resolved! PS image not moving into Print Studio Pro

Hello, Several folks have said good things about Print Studio Pro, so after setting up a new Pro-10, I tried to send my first Photoshop image out to it. Although it launches OK nothing shows up in its dialog box. Any help is greatly appreciated. I'm ...

PSP without PS data.JPG

My Image Garden software question

Hi, I do not have My Image Garden software installed; can someone tell me what the power of this software is? Does it recognize photos from cameras other than  Canon cameras(such as Nikon), and how about raw images? Does it display the exif informati...

Resolved! ipf 6400 "in an error state"

When I try to print, my ipf 6400 gives me the message "Printer is in an error state" after I have sent a print job to it. But it gives me no further information, and I can't figure out what to do. I have tried turning the printer off/on, but that doe...

mstratil by Enthusiast
  • 6 replies

Prints too dark...that old chestnut

I know this is a very common issue but I was still hoping you guys may be able to help.  I'm a pro photographer with a good understanding when it comes to profiling my monitor and an OK understanding of printer profiling. I print all my work using my...

Photoshop dialogue.JPG screen1.JPG screen2.JPG screen3.JPG

Resolved! Print Stdio Pro: image not loading into app!

Hi, I'm new to the app, as well as to the Canon Pixma printer.I'm having problems loading an image to the Print Studio Pro on Photoshop CC 2015 (Mac).With the image open in Photoshop, when I click to open the Print Studio Pro, the image simply doesn'...

Captura de Tela 2016-12-12 às 10.13.55.png
alexrb by Contributor
  • 9 replies
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