Pixma MX490 Keeps Cycling


Canon Pixma MX490 powers on and goes through initialization, then powers back off.  Keeps repeating the process as long as it's plugged in.  Buttons are non-responsive.

354 REPLIES 354

Thanks! This solution worked fine with my Windows 10 PC. Instructions were easy to follow, and the process went smoothly.

I should mention that the fix went smoothly with my Windows 10 PC and MX492 printer.

I finally was able to get this to work with your help! Thank you so much!

This won't be the last time Canon will have this printer problem. It's too much trouble to go through all of this installing and re-installing. I don't have the time, patience or computer savvy. I'd just as soon donate my MX492 and get a better model printer or another brand altogether.


This issue has now seemed to "fix itself" for me.  I first noted this power cycling on 5/31 and have just left my printer unplugged.  I did not manually upload the firmware update nor did I go through any of the suggested motions that others have suggested.  I have been researching new printers and happy that I did not rush out to buy a new one. 

This forum has been pretty quiet today, so I hope that everyone else is also happily printing away!!


I had the same issue. I replaced the power cord and that resolved my problem. Cheap fix!!!

I tried doing a power reset and couldn't go anywhere with that...

I've installed the firmware update.  I reconnected the printer and all looks good.  I send a document to the printer, works fine.  Send a second document - reverts to the reboot cycle again.  This is beyond ridiculous.

I never got around to the firmware update yet. I only did the suggestion to change the DNS number of the printer. My printer has worked fine ever since. 

Sorry, i had to copy the instrux in order to paste them again here.

Okay, the SETUP MENU is on the printer. In order to get the printer to stay on to access the menu you must disconnect you wifi so the printer doesn't continue to interface with it. Once the wifi is off/disconnected, turn the printer ON. It will go thru the usual cycling and stay on. Slide the menu option until you see SETUP MENU. Then follow Web service setup > DNS server setup > Manual setup. The IP/DNS number will appear. I changed the last few numbers from 001 to 101 on my printer. Once changed, press OK. Select the 'No' option and press OK. Turn on your wifi again. Your printer should automatically "find" and connect to your wifi and function normally. Hope this helps.

Thanks.  I did all of that and it will work temporarily, then reverts back to recycling over and over.
