Camera Software
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Resolved! Unable to display Histogram in DPP4

What am I doing wrong? I can't get the histogram window to display the histogram.  I can make the histogram window appear and disappear. I can dock the window or float it on the screen.  But the histogram window never opensand shows me the histogram....

How to see just AEB Bracketed photos in DPP4

I'm new to DPP4 and I'm trying to use the HDR feature with my AEB bracketed real estate photos.Is ther a way to filter or sort through to just show the shots that I took bracketed as opposed to having to find and select each picture manually?

Powershot driver compatibility with Win7_64 bit?

Hi, I have two older Powershots the A560 and the later A650 IS which I really like. I also have a Canon Canoscan USB scanner and it's drivers installed. Since migrating to 64 bit windows a while ago I've had problems with the powershot drivers instal...

Playing With DPP and 2 Questions

Hi folks, Have never used DPP but now with CR3 I am testing DPP and learning. Two questions please: 1. I'd like to double click a thumbnail or group of selected thumbnails and go to the Edit Window instead of the floating window. How can I set that? ...

in4m8n by Enthusiast
  • 13 replies

Canon camera connect app

I can't connect my camera to my Samsung8+. I've always had issues with connection, it's only worked about twice before.I already have tried many times deleting the app restarting the phone and reinstalling it, it hasnt worked. I've erased the setting...

Mecheve by Apprentice
  • 1 replies

Canon EOS utility fails to install on Mac OS High Sierra

Hi forum, I have been hunting around for a solution to this problem for a long time with no success. Details:Mac Pro (Late 2013) with 2.7 gHz 12 core, 64 GB RAMOS 10.13.4 I have tried both EOS Utility installers 2.14.3 (the one listed for my 70D) and...

noise in photoshop

So, all of a sudden I have extra noise in every image in Photoshop (except in RAW).  Even images that did not have noise before.  It only shows up when I view them in Photoshop.  I learned photography in the darkroom.  Settings and everything on the ...

bethrose by Apprentice
  • 3 replies

EOS 2000D & Pinnacle Studio 22

Hi, I need your help with a question regarding the EOS 2000D. I need to explain a little bit the context. I like to use the EOS2000D for capturing stop-motion movies and chose the Software Pinnacle Studio 22 to create those.I had a quite good impress...

SkipJack by Apprentice
  • 2 replies

EOS Utility stopped connecting to EOS 200D

So a few days ago I got the EOS 200D, and  I installed EOS Utility on my PC and the Camera Connect on my phone.Both worked on the first day. But the next day and since, while the Camera Connect still works fine, the EOS Utility on my PC will no longe...

J_A_Y__ by Apprentice
  • 1 replies

Map Utility ending in 10/2019 -- Alternatives?

The map displaying service will end in October. Anyone know if Canon plans on replacing it?Adobe removed the Map module from Lightroom 6 and since I do not have any plans to rent their software I need another alternative. I thought this utility was i...


DPP 4 won't start if Winidows 10 display size is 150%

I set Advanced scaling settings to 150% (under Dispaly) and Digital Photo Professional 4 displays an error message "Not all screen elements can be shown under the computer's current display size settings.  Before use, reduce the display size." If I c...

Using DPP4 and can't figure out resizing

I've found a few videos showing how to resize to a specific pixel dimension in Photoshop but can't seem to find a resource. I'm needing to crop and resize images to exactly 800x1000 pixels and 1000x1200 pixels for use on a website.  Does anyone have ...

Files Not Saving?

I just got done editing a .JPG, and for some reason I can't save. I would click Save As and click save at the bottomIt says "IMG_7425.JPG already exists. Do you wish to replace it?"I click YesThen this message comes up"Cannot access folder"I don't kn...

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