imageCLASS MF624CW keeps restarting


Never had this issue before, but I've lately had to do a lot of scanning (documents just being saved to USB thumb drive) and the printer seems to randomly restart, interrupting scanning multi-page documents or multiple single documents.

Searched for this and couldn't find any issues related to this particular printer, though there is mention of other models having had this due to WiFi connectivity. I've never had an issue before, and I don't see how the WiFi is responsible as its a strong and stable signal, and I'm not actively connected to the printer to print or to save scans to my PC.  I did update the firmware a few months ago, however, and wonder if that's not the cause.

Anyway, looking for any possible solutions...



My MF624CW is having exact the same problem. It has been restarting randomly since last year (2022).

Mine started doing this only after a BIOS update... 

Product Expert
Product Expert

Hello CAS,

If you are having problems with the MF642 restarting while performing scans to a USB drive, it looks like there is a problem with the hardware or the scanner is not getting enough power. You can try plugging the MF642 into a different power source and check if you still run into the same issue. If you do, I would suggest contacting support over the phone at 1-800-652-2666. Our agents would be happy to help and can provide any service options if needed.
