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Error message on my MX700 Printer: U052 This type of print head is incorrect.


I got this after installing new ink - it worked just a bit and then when I turned printer off and on, got this msg.  I took out cartridges and head, put them back in, and no change.


A receipt. I this product is a big garbage now, and I am not even use it much.

I this product is a big garbage now, and I am not even use it much. Same problem!!!!

Fromjim describes taking things apart. This  often does not correct the issue. Take it apart,  when apart clean the head area .... CLEANING is the thing that must be done as there is ink build up. That's why I used 91% Ethyl alchohol. IT WORKS now many months later after 1st doing this. Note: the print is not perfect but very usable


@jdegann wrote:

I got this after installing new ink - it worked just a bit and then when I turned printer off and on, got this msg.  I took out cartridges and head, put them back in, and no change.

I have same problem What is the solution?

Buy a non Canon printer, they are not going to help anyone, they are too powerful and don't think they need us or our purchases, too bad, they have wonderful products, you just can't trust the company.


God bless you and help Canon change



@dtmonday wrote:

@jdegann wrote:

I got this after installing new ink - it worked just a bit and then when I turned printer off and on, got this msg.  I took out cartridges and head, put them back in, and no change.

I have same problem What is the solution?


Forgrt Canon. They don't give a **bleep** about you once you have spent your money on their product. I have now bought an Epson printer which is afr better than any Canon product I have seen

People just removing the inks and reinstalling will not solve anything. No magic involved. Especiallly if the printer is years old with the "build up". Remove the head , remove the inks, CLEAN IT as I described earlier ! Take less than 10 minutes. Let it dry for 30 minutes. It's 91% alchohol($1 at walmart) it will dry fast or put a fan on it to be sure.

Cleaned the head thoroughly with hot water and then isopropanol (rubbing alcohol).  Dissolves the inks nicely, so it presumably works as well as ethanol.


Re-installed print head and inks - and now I have an Error Code 5200.  Machine won't even power up the printer head drive belt.  Argh!



i did not use ethanol . I used 91% alchohol(isopropanol)...often called Ethel(ethyl) grade. I suspect you did not let it dry enough. Or maybe things are not siiting "squarely".  A hair drier on cool setting holding head in your hand for a few minutes can work, or LOW heat. I let mine air dry for at least 24 hours. But it was probably okay after 4 hours as 91% dries fast. Mine has been working good for approx. 4+ months. They sent me the ability to get $$ credit or cash from Canon if I could show a receipt for a replacement. I cannot find that receipt on that printer my daughter is using.

Hi jasonventure:


I am having the same problem U052 error with my mx892 printer.  I want to try cleaning print head with rubbing alcohol.  Can you give me the exact instructions on how to do this?  Thank you so much in advance for any help or guidance you can offer.




p.s.  This problem started a few days ago with the dreaded B200 error, which I also had last year and had to research for a week and almost junked out my 1.5 year old $400 printer, but I finally got it going again with an obscure fixSmiley Happy
