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Error message on my MX700 Printer: U052 This type of print head is incorrect.


I got this after installing new ink - it worked just a bit and then when I turned printer off and on, got this msg.  I took out cartridges and head, put them back in, and no change.


Hi how was this achieved?

You mean someone actually did canon's job for them and figured out how to fix the problem dozens of unhappy customers are having,  and they removed his address??!? To say I'm not impressed is a real understatement. It appears that printer manufacturers are already making money, not on printers,  but ink. So why make a printer that self distructs, when we would keep buying overpriced ink? I will replace the printer, but not with another canon. I will also be telling all my friends about this as well. If all of us that have been wronged by this treatment tell our facebook friends,  and all of our ether friends,  perhaps we can make ourselves felt.

The MX700 is supposed to be a multifunctional printer. But if there is something wrong with the ink level or printhead NONE of the other functions work anymore.

My printhead gives an error now, and I can not scan or fax anymore.

Solution: I bought the Brother MFC J 4410. Now I am happy.

Bad for the environment because a potential good scannner/fax, which can not be used anymore, goes on the garbage dump. Strange policy of cannon, waste of investment.

I tried these steps many times but no luck. It is frustrating.

2 people in 2 different states have filed class action lawsuits in regards to this error message.  do a google search for more info.


FYI- if cleaning does not work w/reset I suspect the ribbon cable is fatigued...pain to repair , check or reset. When I have time I will tear into it.. Think this is one of 2 parts under constant stress. Thus it cannot identify the HEAD

...UPDATE > After removing the inks, I cleaned the head thoroughly with 91% ethyl rubbing alcohol($1 Walmart). Then let it dry for 4 days because the rubbing alcohol does have 9% water. Maybe did not need to let sit for that long, BUT.... The printer is now working again. IT'S WORKING , IT'S WORKING.. Has worked daily for the past 4 days. Do not know for how long this will last.

Is this the only thing Canon can say, are you even a real person?  I think Canon answers this community like it runs it's printer error messages, just feed them bull over and over eventually they'll give up,  Hey Canon you're right, we'll give up and buy your competitor's printer, and products, why waste our time with Canon?


God bless, pray for Canon



@Michael wrote:

Hello jdegann.


Please try the following to see if we can resolve this error:


1.  Open the cover of the printer.

2.  Remove all ink tanks from the printer.

3.  Lift up the gray locking lever on the side of the ink tank holder.

4.  Gently remove the print head from the carriage unit.

5.  Place the print head back in and lock the lever down.

6.  Place all of the ink tanks back in the printer.

7.  Close the cover and turn the printer off.

8.  Unplug the power from the printer.  Leave the power unplugged for about 5-10 minutes.


Once this has been done, plug the power back in and turn the printer on.  If the error persists, please contact our support group using the "Contact Us" link below for additional assistance with this matter.


This didn't answer your question or issue? Find more help at Contact Us.




Now months later my printer is still working since doing the 91% ethyl alcohol cleaning. see my previous post

What service options. I can't find a service agent anywhere near me!!!

I used this product for six month and it happen, I called cannon,their not help me because I dont have a rec