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Leave Battery in Unplugged Charger?

Is it OK to leave a spare NB-6LH battery in it's unplugged charger?  This question was somewhat answered in an earlier post, but I would appreciate clarification.  The answer was it's OK "for a short period of time."  We take extensive trips, and a b...

idria by Apprentice
  • 5 replies

Improper printing

I hope I can explain this so someone will understand what I'm trying to say... First, I'm using: Canon Pixma IP7220Microsoft Windows Vista Home PremiumSureThing Disc Labeler Gold 6 Ok, now to try to explain the issue: When I try to print an image, ei...

Canon dSLR Wish List?

Ive really grown to love many of the new Canon innovations over the last 3-4 years. Looking forward, what are some of the features you would like to see most in upcoming Canon dSLR cameras? Here are mine, I know they may seem outrageous, but seriousl...

Is in-camera sharpness the same as sharpening in post?

(for the "Do-a-search" police, I've been searching for a tad over 90 minutes..and a simple URL pointing to a definitive answer will be appreciated as much as a detailed treatise.) Preamble- serious, but amateur, T3i moving to T6s (maybe 7d next year)...

PajamaGuy by Enthusiast
  • 10 replies

LIDE 110 starts and barely moves. does not scan

I have this scanner purchased from Amazon. It will act like its going to work ond moves about a half inch then goes back and stops. I've tried differnt cables and its not a driver issue becuase it was working and I tried on another pc with new driver...

CanoScan LiDE 220

I have a CanoScan LiDE 220. When I scan a photo I don't want the date at the end of my scan flile name after it saves it. How can I remove it?   when it saves my file the file will be saved with one digit higher than the last.ExampleCard542 is saved ...

Buzzme by Apprentice
  • 1 replies

Firmware update suggestions/requests

Can anybody guide me to a place on the forums where firmware update suggestions/requests can be made for the various Canon cameras, where Canon might take notice of such suggestions/requests? 

altopiet by Contributor
  • 3 replies
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