Faded print color


The print color on my PIXMA TS9020 faded.  I deep cleaned the nozzles twice & even removed & cleaned the print heads.  That made it better but not as good as it was.  Is there anything else I can try or do I need a new machine?


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My new TS9020 came in and I quickly discovered that the problem with my faded print color had to do with the settings I used.  I had thought I'd caused a problem because a cartridge ran out and it took a day or two before the replacement cartridge I ordered came in.  Turns out it was just the settings I'd used.  The first run w/ the new printer was as faded as what I'd been getting.  I played w/ different settings and got much better quality.  So, I bought a printer I didn't need but a place where I do a lot of vounteering will be happy to have one of my two TS9020's so it's all good.

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Product Expert
Product Expert

Hi araymond,


Have your printed a nozzle check to see if any colors are missing? Please click HERE for the steps. Once it prints, please click the blue link in step 7 and compare you nozzle check to the sample one.


Does it match or is there any colors missing or faded color bars?


We look forward to your reply.

Thanks for the reply.  I did a few nozzle checks.  The first one wasn't good so I did a cleaning then a deep cleaning and eventualy even took the print head out and cleaned that.  All of that made things better but the colors still aren't as vivid as they were.  In the meantime, I ordered another TS9020 that should come tomorrow.  Hopefully that will get me back to the color quality I'm used to.  

My new TS9020 came in and I quickly discovered that the problem with my faded print color had to do with the settings I used.  I had thought I'd caused a problem because a cartridge ran out and it took a day or two before the replacement cartridge I ordered came in.  Turns out it was just the settings I'd used.  The first run w/ the new printer was as faded as what I'd been getting.  I played w/ different settings and got much better quality.  So, I bought a printer I didn't need but a place where I do a lot of vounteering will be happy to have one of my two TS9020's so it's all good.
