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XF305 and CF Card Playback

I am looking at transitioning to the XF305 video camera from the XL-H1S that I am currently using. Before I make this transition I need to know whether there is a way to immediately playback footage onto a TV. This is essential since the video I shoo...


This camera isn't even listed at the Canon camera museum;) But I'd like to have a manual or one for a UCS2, neither are listed on the canon USA support site. Perhaps they are availablke at an ftp site from canon? If anybody knows, thanks in advance. ...

HFM400 image stabalizer issue.

I have used my refirbished HFM400 to record about 5 live music shows.  The image quality is excellent, but my issue is with the image stabalizer.  I have the camcorder on a midsize tripod placed on a rather stable table.  After trying all three image...

Resolved! Camcorder issue

Hello, can anyone tell me how to upload just the videos I want to from my hfm52 camcorder to my computer? every time I plug in it uploads all the videos which I already did.

Stopped working!!

 I have a VIXIA HFM41 camcorder. Suddenly stopped working.I turn on the camera. It begins to access the built-in memory (I can see the red led "Access"). Then this red led is off and no image is displayed on the LCD screen but is seems to be on. Like...

Seamless Combining of HF-G10 Clips

I used my HF-G10 to record a concert. The HF-G10 splits the recording into multiple files during recording, with file sizes not exceeding 2GB. I imported the recorded files from the camera using the Canon VideoBrowser (v1.0) utility (Windows 7, x64)....

rtbond by Apprentice
  • 2 replies

Cannot connect Vixia R300 to computer

I have a brand new Vixia R300 and I cannot get my MacBook Pro to recognize it.....tried all the rouble shooting solutions and still get the "no camera was found" message ...HELP!!!

Resolved! Vixia HF R100

Hello, I have a Canon Vixia HF R100, and when I use to plug it into my laptop and turn it on my comp would auto detect and ask "what do you want to do?" I would select import videos or pictures, but that's not the problem. Now what I have to do is go...

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