No matter what inkjet-printable disk I use, any graphic that is heavy on red prints horribly - see example below. The reds print as ruddy brown and any shadows/blacks in the mostly-red areas get washed out. Graphics without much red tend to print m...
My Canon Vixia HF-R800 is unable to record to a new top-brand micro-SD card (64 GB). (This is just to provide a record of it. I doubt anyone has a fix. But, feel free to prove me wrong!) Details: Camcorder = Canon Vixia HF-R800. Relatively new (<1...
The Canon on-screen manual gives instructions for installing Canon Print Studio Pro -- which shows up in posts on fixing printer color problems, so I wanted to investigate it. But it won't install. I get this error message: "Plug-in Installer ...
My brand new Canon PRO-100 is printing all blues as purple. Reference blue color spectrum (screen shot of file I built in Photoshop):note: I see problems here, suggesting I need to buy a monitor color calibrator, but for now, please just take this as...
Danny, Thanks for the reply. Re, the "additional support options" URL:Drivers & Downloads does not have any firmware updates for my printer.FAQ does not address print quality on any media, including disks.Supplies and Accessories is just ink, paper (...
Just to cover this base: I use "CD/DVD Guard Inkjet Protection Spray" after ink-jet printing (on thoroughly-dried disks). Besides making the prints smudge-proof and dirt resistent, this coating also gives something of a luster or satin finish. Ideal...
The CMC Pro inkjet printable DVDs do look a little bit better, but it's subtle. The difference between the CMC Pro disks and Canon photo paper prints are still night and day different. No fix yet.
I'm going to try CMC Pro inkjet printable DVDs next. Haven't tried them yet. Hoping for a better result. But any comments on better software (say, with media-specific LUTs) would be welcome. Thanks.
Wawite, thanks for adding to the experience set here.__________________________________ Hello, I have 2 Canon Vixia HF-R800 and had the same issue with both, I many kinds of cards and some would work and some did not at varios times. I was able to de...