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Canon R40 scanner Twain error


I have an R40 scanner, love it - except --!!

after about a day or so of working fine, any usage gives the error:

"An error has occurred within the TWAIN driver, [Error 80FF0001]"

The only solution seems to be to reboot windows, and then all is fine again, for awhile. (Windows-64)

This basically makes it unusable - I can't reboot every time I need to use it.

Emails and calls to Cannon technical support have not helped. After two rounds of the typical "reinstall...", they sent some patch, which did not help. This seems to be a known problem in user reports and the Cannon support staff, but no solutions.

Anyone have any hints for this?


yeah... I got there too. What a waste of time and effort. I also tried their DR Scanner patch, which they swear works. Nope. It worked for a day.

$350 bucks! Geeeez. 

I have returned the **bleep** thing and I have removed Canon from my list of acceptable vendors. its too bad, I have a couple of their workgroup printers that I've liked for years. Too bad Canon no longer lives up to the brand name. I'm gonna buy one from Xerox or Epson.

I solved this by removing the drivers for competing products, namely Brother. 

This is working for me too. Thank you for the workaround! I hope there is a permanent fix coming. 

Thank you very much! I had a project of some urgency and this works--you just saved the day.

Your directions are very easy to follow.

This worked for me! I was ready to throw this scanner out the window! Thanks


Brand new, worked once, and now all I get is TWAIN Driver Error message!
Is there a solution?
Windows 11


I'm frustrated by Canon not caring. Yes, Windows updates undercut their software & scanner, but improve your software for the machine you sold me. Stand behind your product, Canon! 

With that said, I reached out to a friend who used to work for Canon and spoke to a person who currently does who had a solution (and they CLEARLY know they have an issue, but they're leaving all of us to our own devices). So here's the solution (which I've had to do after every OS update):

  1. Press Windows key + R to open [Run] dialog. 
  2. Type services.msc in the dialog and click OK to open [Services] dialog. 
  3. Right-click "Windows Image Acquisition (WIA)" and select property. 
  4. Choose "Disabled" in "Startup type" list and click OK. 
  5. Reboot the PC. 

It will fix it, but only until the next update. And I hope the Canon people know this costs them business. I was poised to buy an expensive color printer from them before all of this happened. Now, I'm done trusting them!
