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Canon LiDE 400 - Can Not Scan at 4800dpi


Hi there, 

I recently bought the Canon LiDE 400 scanner as the resolution goes up to 4800. I need the maximum resolution as I want to blow up some antique hand painted artworks which are tiny. I have tried downloading the IJ scan utility software and changing the settings in drivers to allow large image scanning (found this in a previous post) but the resolution is still fixed at 600dpi. I am on a macbook pro. Is there another way and why can i not scan at the full resolution? 



The link works just fine for us. You may need to try a different browser or device. 

If you need immediate help, please get in touch with support directly. You'll need to register your scanner at Then, once you have, our system will be able to verify your support entitlements when you call our team at 800-652-2666, Monday through Friday. 

Where is the ScanGear install for Windows 10?

The IJ Scan Utility does not install ScanGear Starter and the link I found is for Mac OS.
My laptop doesn't have a CD drive.

This link does not work:


We see that link is from a post from a couple years ago and may be outdated. 

Please try this one and let us know how it works out:

We hope this helps!

You might have mentioned that the ScanGear utility was one of the main options of the IJ Scan Utility and not a different application. I made an ISO file of the install CD and ran it from my server on the laptop. Looks like the full platen scan is limited to 1200dpi and if you want 4800dpi you are limited to a small part of the full page, maybe 1x1 inch. 

The old 8600F and the 32bit software would let you scan a full page at 3600dpi directly into PhotoShop, I only see 600dpi for that now. Your CD has a TWAIN driver folder but I'm not seeing how to get better than 1200dpi from a full page. If I could do it 10+ years ago, why can't I do it now? 


the limitation of the ScanGear software is apparently memory.  But oh well.  image cannot exceed 50,000x50,000 pixels or 4GB.  so the biggest image I was able to scan at 4800 DPI is 6.7 inches x 9.20 inches which is just below 4GB in size for a JPEG.  I shouldn't have any limitations because my PC has 128 GB of RAM and 80 TB of storage.  In order to get to 4800 DPI, you have to use ScanGear.  you have to go to the settings for ScanGear and select the checkbox for "Enable large image scans".  Once the setting is saved, go to ScanGear to scan the image.  TYPE 4800 into the resolution box (don't use the dropdown arrow).  Set max scan to 6.7"x9.2".  Then you will be able to scan.  that means if you have a picture bigger than that size and you really want 4800 DPI, you will have to scan multiple times and then use software to put them together like Photoshop.  for some more details...  the 6.7 inches x 9.2 inches is the output resolution.  the input can be the full size of the glass.  so you can put a 8.5 inch x 11 inch paper on the glass and scan.  but the output will be 32162x44160 pixel resolution.Screenshot 2024-01-10 212250.jpgScreenshot 2024-01-10 212326.jpgScreenshot 2024-01-10 212404 (1).jpg

Pretty sure I had that checked, but I'll try it again.

My biggest problem now is that images 2mm off the surface are not in focus.


yeah, you have to press the image to the glass.  maybe place a book or other semi heavy object on top of the image?

I did not have the "Enable Large Image Scans" checked, must have been on my first installation.
I will test that later. Here is the problem with the image focus on the CanoScan LiDE 400:


Here is the same coin with the same settings from the CanoScan 8600F:


I scan 20 coins to a page in a page holder and flip them, then run a program I wrote to break them up into single coins. I have over 1000 to do, so I was hoping this new scanner would be faster and better. It's smaller, lighter, faster and worse.

I'm only going to guess that this scanner wouldn't work for you.  I read somewhere that the reason the scanner is so thin is because of the scanning system they use and that this scanning system requires the object to be right up against the glass.  Again, I'm only guessing so best of luck.  Let me know how it turns out.

I'll keep the scanner because it works just good enough to scan a full color page from an RPG book so I can blow a gaming floor plan up to 36x48 inches at 300dpi. Having a 36in printer helps. It's not useful for cataloging the coin collection though, so I have to keep the 8600F and 8800F scanners. Guys in the coin club might want to borrow them.
