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Canon LIDE 210 Scanner Hangs


Sorry if this is in the wrong forum.. can't find a scanner specific forum


I have been using my LiDE 210 scanner to scan some photos.. and every once and a while, the scanner just hangs in the middle of a scan.  Totally locked up.  I have to use the Windows task manager to force it to quit.  After quitting the application (Canon MP Navigator EX)  and restarting it, it again freezes with a 'scanner warming up' message.  Even unplugging the scanner USB cable and replugging it does not fix the problem.  The only way seems to be to shut down my Windows 8.1 system and restart it. 


Any idea what may be causing this hang, and how to fix it?


Problem solved this morning.
Failed Windows updates were the problem ( twice prevented booting too in 12 months).

Navigate to Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download
The failed update files are in the “Download” folder
Select all files in the Download folder
Delete all of those troublesome files

Huzzah my scanner started working. Now I proceed checking temporary problems with USB ports too. Is it the problem or not enough powers from the supply.


Unfortunately I'll be joining this group...


Had the issue first with Lide 210-Windows 8.1, Then Lide 210-Windows 10, and now with Lide 220-Windows 10...


I am stuck in this boat too with Windows 10, ESET antivirus (yes, I have turned it off and the scanner is still stuck in the "warming up" phase"). I have a LIDE 220. I have tried everything. Even suggestions made by other posters and nothing works.


After a while, I end up getting a dialog that says "Cannot communicate with scanner for these reasons: - Scanner is turned off. - USB cable is disconnected. Blah blah. Code: 2,156,74.



This needs some serious attention, Canon, too many people are having issues with your scanners for there not to be a solution by now!


Hi Pauleduc
I had similar problems progressing into a total dysfunction. I bought LiDE 210 to Windows 8 and sometimes already there, it had to be unplugged and plugged in again to get it going. After Swapping to Windows 8.1 the problem started occurring more frequently until the scanner started freezing on "scanner warming up" I was suggested that upgrading to Windows 10 might solve the issue, so a waited a while, because the date was so close.
The problem persisted. I consulted with my two IT guys with meager results. One suggestion was upgrading the power supply to guarantee enough voltage to USB ports. Then I came across online with an idea of Windows failed updates causing many similar problems and in my case this solved the issue on the spot.
I warmly recommend this solution, because there is no risk involved. You find these failed updates in Download folder.

 You select all the files on the folder and delete them. They are just trash clogging your OS.
The dialogue box says access denied, but left click on continue, if you have administrative privileges, if not, right click and select run as administrator. This should do the trick.

 After the success with LiDE I regularly delete items in this folder. Previously I also experienced booting problems being Windows updates the culprit.

I decided to go for a totally out-of-the-box-thinking method, and hooked my scanner up to my NAS, with help of VirtualHere. All my problems are gone! My scanner now works like a charm, both the LiDE 220, and the 210.

Perhaps not a solution for everyone, but it sure fixed it for me.



I see wiatwain.ds file in twain_32 folder. 


My problem is also similar. The scanner just jams/hangs in the middle of a scan without any warning or error code. Usually it happens on 2nd scan. I have to unplug and replug the USB cable and start the scan again. 


Is there any solution yet found for this problem?



No it doesn't look like there is a fix from lazy Canon support and engineers, drqaiser309. To quote a variant of one of Arthur C. Clarke's quotes "Any sufficiently advanced incompetence is indistinguishable from malice". With their forum moderators/tech support people not even so much as posting in this thread really shows they don't care or are incompetent.


I am a software developer but I don't know much about firmware / drivers so I can't even help myself in this situation. It must be nice to be able unplug the scanner and replug - or restart one's computer - and have the scanner work again. My scanner is perpetually stuck. I will say the scanner does work on my wife's laptop which uses windows 8.1, whereas I am on windows 10. It was working on Windows 10 but now it doesn't.

Did you try my recipe from 09-14-2015 09:01 PM. Failed updates.

Hi NotSoBright. I did try clearing out that folder and it didnt have an effect. Ive tried everything on this thread from other posters. I appreciate your time and response. Hopefully Canon will chime in...

Hi npp83

Maybe we share a common predestined fate. All gadgets hate me and I them. It is mutual. Hardware or software cooperates with some persons and some others have surmountable troubles. AC Clarke got his marbles right, because it is my experience from ALL THE HELP FORUMS too. Occasionally some savvy person shares his findings online and it might suit to you as well. In general you treated you as pawn by IT people, while you can see these emperors naked. The business doesn´t want a dialogue, because they choose, what is best for you. As you might recall, Win 8 marketing flop was explained by a saga of the high learning curve to customers they could not overcome, not by we got something wrong.
