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Pixma Pro 9000 Mark II 'Filter' failed message


My Pixma Pro 9000 Mark II printer will print a perfect test print, but when I try to print a simple 4 x 6 from Photoshop CC 2020 on my iMac running Mohave 10.14.6, I get the message "Stop printing of all jobs to this printer"  and "Stopped -- 'Filter' failed, 1 page". Does this have something to do with the overflow reservoir?  The printer has been idle for a while, but the ink tanks are fine and the nozzle check looks perfect. What's going on?


I just erase the driver for pro 9000MII because ia have an other printer thats works perfect

It looks like Apple and/or Canon fixed the problem. Apple no longer supplies the printer driver for the Pro 9000, but Canon's printer drivers on their website works properly now.

Yes, it does, but the Apple provided drivers are no longer necessary because the Canon drivers from the website work without error.

The official Canon drivers work now, and Apple is no longer providing printer drivers for the Pro 9000.

I have this issue too. I JUST bought this off someone for $200 and had no idea it was no longer supported. This really sucks. 
