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Why won't my Pixma MX410 work wirelessly? Blue light is on, but computer says it's offline.


I have repeatedly used the "easy setup" to get the printer on the network. sometimes it will work, but most of the time I am getting an error message that says that my printer is offline. It works fine if I connect by USB, but I bought it so I wouldn't HAVE to connect with a cord. I wanted a WIRELESS printer.


Hi.  I've got this same problem with my brand-new printer.  I've re-set the connection several times, the router is only a few feet from the printer and the indicator in the utilities says 'Wireless LAN active'.  But when I try to print the message comes back that my printer is off line.  It works fine with a cable, but I also need wireless.  


Do you have any other suggestions, please?

What OS are you running? And what version?
Make sure your printer is connected to the same network or it will be like calling a number that's not in service.
(ex: if your using wifi make sure they're both accessing the same WAP (wireless access point)
Reboot the printer and see if it connects automatically, if so verify the printer network settings are the same as your computers network connection.

I had an issue once due to my PC being directly wired and running wireless, while my printer on wifi, and it would sometimes see it sometimes not.

Networking is simple but complicated, try to be specific with type of computer, OS, WAP type and distance. These help people help you.


Nothing works for me....I have tried all of the suggestions....I even downloaded new software onto my laptop from the Canon site....nothing!!!!  I took the printer within 10 feet of the wifi router....nothing.....NOTHING works!!!!  So frustrating!!!

Hi tdalcom,


So we can better assist you, please let us know what operating system is on your computer (Windows XP, Vista,7, 8, 8.1 or version of Mac OS X).  Also, if you print the LAN Details of the printer by following the steps below, what are the values in the Wireless LAN, Connection, and Signal Strength fields?


  1. Make sure that the machine is turned on.

  2. Load a sheet of A4 or Letter-sized plain paper in the Rear Tray.

  3. Press the Menu button repeatedly and select Device settings.

  4. Use the LEFTRIGHT button to select LAN settings, then press the OK button.

  5. Use the LEFTRIGHT button to select Print LAN details, then press the OK button.

We look forward to hearing from you!


If this is a time-sensitive matter, additional support options are available at Contact Us.



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It eventually connected and worked for a few's offline and won't reconnect....I have followed all the instrustions given.  It seems like a signigicant issue with the computer given the amount of posts.

I am very frustrated, reading this forum and Canon's tech support answers.  From the number of people complaining about this problem, it is obvious that these printers are defective in some way.  Please stop giving us  stock answers, admit there's a problem, and find a solution.

I purchased the mx472 - wifi connection issue
returned and decided to give canon another chance and invested in the mx922 - same wifi issue.

I love their "non-ansewrs". Seriously, what is the fix? The printers have great features but I'm trying to get rid of my USB cable.

I tried OSX, Windows, different laptops, desktops, switched routers 3 times, wps, direct passphrase, assign an ip address. I should have not even had to do all this and still nothing.

I have no other issues with any other devices connecting. Why does this printer not maintain the connection???

Now I'm going to pack up this monster and return it a second time and then purchase a different brand. Wifi was the selling feature, if I wanted USB connection I would have saved me some money.

I've lost 2 weeks trying to figure out a fix and nothing to show for all my searches and fix attempts.


Having the exact same problem with my MG5350. Thing is it was working earlier wirelessly and then I restarted my laptop and now it just says it is offline, even though the printer is on and connected to the wi-fi. I am running Windows 7. What I don't get is that it was working and now it's not?

I have the same problem.


The printer says the wifi printing is fine and working however it does not work.


This is the most useless printer I've ever bought - I also only bought it for wireless printing. I will never buy a Canon product again.


Take some good advice - DON'T BUY CANON!




I had the same issue and figured it out-for me at least! I had to figure it out myself because the admin just posting a link wasnt help at all.


If you want it to be wireless, it cant be plugged into a computer. It can't work wired and wireless at the same time. So when you want to print wireless, unplug it from a desktop (or other computer) if it is in one, turn it back off and then on, and then the wireless should reconnect automatically. 
