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Why won't my Pixma MX410 work wirelessly? Blue light is on, but computer says it's offline.


I have repeatedly used the "easy setup" to get the printer on the network. sometimes it will work, but most of the time I am getting an error message that says that my printer is offline. It works fine if I connect by USB, but I bought it so I wouldn't HAVE to connect with a cord. I wanted a WIRELESS printer.




This worked for me in windows 7. i inherited the pixma MP560 from my mum so didn't have the CD. drivers installed fine through plug n play, printer connected to wireless just fine, but as soon as the usb cable was removed, the printer greyed out in my devices list, and it said it was offline.


added the device by IP address and now she works great. can now print from my laptop wherever i am working to the printer on the office.

Thanks so much



I first looked at the settings on the printer and this is how I fixed my problem.

1- Press the (Menu )button.

2- Keep pressing Menu till you get to (device) setting.

3- Scroll by pressing the right arrow under the plus sign

till (LAN setting) appears and press OK.

4- Now scroll again to find ( Wireless LAN setup)

press OK. Chose (easy setup ) when it come up, press OK.

5- A search comes up and ask you to select access point.

6- Chose the name you gave your router by scrolling and

press OK

7- Enter passphrase comes up. Enter your router's password now.

8- Use the star (*) on your printer's number pad to change CAPITAL,

small or numbers ( e.g... Ab1) to enter your password one letter or number at a time.

9- I continued the setup I first started and this time, for me everything was OK.


I followed these instructions and I see that it is connected to the (new) router, but no IP-address is shown, although the printout gives an ip-address. Pinging that ip-address gives nothing as well. I'm completely lost. It worked before, even after installing a new router and using the same Wifi SSID and passphrase, but now it has stopped completely. Weird.

Anyone a clue?


Update: noticed that on the router for Wifi automatic channel was chosen but the printout mentioned port 11. Changed it to 11 in the router and the printer came to life. 😉

Hi everyone I too was having the same problem with my wireless connection on my new laptop but I just discovered that my problem was when I was attempting to print the wrong printer was set as my default printer so just make sure when you attempt to print something you are using the newest default in my case it was Canon pixma series printer copy 3


I have a MX475 and it has been a nightmare. Every so offten it takes it's self offline, and I have extream difficulty getting it to find my router to the point where I have had to uninstall the whole software and start again. Today that has also failed to work. I have tried everyting you could think of, it finds my router network but wont recognise the pass phrase. I have only owned the machine for a few months , unfortunatly I cant find the receipt for a refund so the machine is going in the bin. Back to EPSON.


I follow thru menu settings and my mx410 wifi will not activate / blue light turn on. What am I missing?



I've been having this problem for a good year or more now.  I've tried every suggestion I've come accross including driver update on my computers and firmware updates on the printer.  When the problem first started hapening even connecting it directly to my laptop or my desktop would not work.  The computers could see the printer but said it was offline.  I was able to get my desktop going while plugged in but not my laptop.  Got a new laptop and it connected!  It connected the first few times and then stopped again. Now the fax is not wanting to fax.  Of course all these problems started RIGHT after putting in band new ink cartriges not when ink is low because that is just my luck 😉
I gave up and bought a cheap hp printer but miss the print quality of my cannon and would like to get it working.  It was only about a year old when it started having connection problems.

Hi Livewire!


If you haven't already, we suggest reaching out to our friendly, US-based technical support team for troubleshooting. They should be able to help you narrow down what might be causing the issue to keep your printer online and connected to your network. Our printer team is available weekdays from 10am to 10pm (ET), excluding holidays. 
