MF634CDW Not Waking from Sleep when print job is sent


I recently purchased a MF634CDW direct from Canon for my home office.  I set it up and seemed like all was OK, but my wife reported that the machine had an error message.  I power cycled and then it seemed fine, but I now realize that whenever the device goes into sleep mode, and you send a print job, it displays an error message and you have to power cycle to get it to function again.  


I am not using the wireless functionality and am using the wired network.  Other then turning off the sleep mode altogether and accepting that this device has flaws, I don't have another option.  I downloaded and installed the latest firmware but it did not fix the issue.


After reading all through all of the Posts on this issue, I found myself struggling with this same issue using MF473CDW ImageClass All-In-One (AIO) Color Laser Printer.


Air Print would stop working as soon as the the Printer went to sleep and would only work again after the Printer was powered OFF and back ON.


  - Quck stop gap measure is to change the Sleep Time out from 1 minute to 240 minutes to allow 4 hours of Air Printing


I changed the following settings have corrected the problem - I now have the Printer set to sleep after 1 minute and Air Print works All Day!!


1.  Change the Wireless LAN ECO mode setting to OFF

     Home  >>  Menu  >>  Preferences  >>  Network  >>  Wireless LAN Settings  >>  Power Save Mode  >>  Off

This ensures the Wireless connection remains ON while the Printer is in Sleep Mode allowing wireless printing (Air Priint and PC/MAC Printing) to connect to the printer and accept print jobs while the Printer is in Sleep Mode


2. Change the Wireless IP address to a Static IP address instead of a Dynamic IP Address (DHCP)

    Home  >>  Menu  >>  Preferences  >>  Network  >>  TCP/IP Settings  >>  IPv4 Settings  >>  IP Address Settings  >>  Auto Acquire  >>  Off


   Home  >>  Menu  >>  Preferences  >>  Network  >>  TCP/IP Settings  >>  IPv4 Settings  >>  IP Address Settings  >> Manually Acquire  >> [ Enter your Home network specific IPv4 settings ] 


This ensures the IP Address assigned to the printer does not expire (DHCP lease timeout) while the printer is in sleep mode. 

Note: If you turn Auto Acquire ON and let the printer obtain a dynamic (DHCP) IP address and then turn Auto Acquire OFF the Manually Acquire will retain the previous Network settings and they can be used as is to create a Static IP Address.


3. Change the Wireless LAN Settings to use a TLS connection for IPP printing

    Home  >>  Menu  >>  Preferences  >>  Network  >>  TCP/IP Settings  >>  IPP Print Settings  >>  Allow IPP Printing Only w/ TLS  >>  On


The Apple Air Print protocol relies on the Internet Printing Protocol (IPP) and requires a secure encrypted connection (TLS).


I'm not 100% sure all three (3) of these options are requried to support Air Print.


I had options 1 and 2 enabled for some time and did not have success with Air Print until I applied option 3 (IPP over TLS).


I also applied the latest Printer firmware update for the MF743CDW


Main Controller: 05.18

Boot ROM:         01.01

DCON:               02.10

Language:          01.13

These instructions are for a MF743CDW printer, but I suspect all the ImageClass MF6xx and MF7xx series printers are the same - YMMV


I hope this information helps someone else down the road!!

Hey - Can you let me know the fix or put the fix on the youtube video comments?  

Follow the YouTube video to get into the menu,


Go into Copier -> Option -> Body

scroll down to SLPMode and change it to 1 instead of 0.

some routers have an issue with bringing the printer out of sleep mode, this should fix it.

Although I followed the above suggestions (SLPMode:1) and solved the sleeping issue, it raised another new issue that the printer won't really go to sleep anymore even the sleep moon sign appears. After changing the setting, the machine always has noise. In other words, the above method simply disables sleeping mode, but not really solve the problem itself.  

This is an old thread and I have tried several solutions but here’s the only solution that has worked to consistently bring my MF733CDW out of sleep mode to print.  This is for an ethernet connection, I don’t use USB or wifi.

- On your router configure it with a limited range of DHCP addresses. Example: 25.
- Give the printer a static IP outside this range. Example:
- Do not use an IP reservation for the printer.

I believe a reservation causes issues with lease-times, and/or cause issues with the printer losing the IP when it goes to sleep. A static outside the range also ensures that the router doesn’t try to send out a duplicate IP to another device, which can cause a conflict.

That is exactly how I have had my network setup and would never work till I went into to the settings on the printer and changed the mode.  Been fine ever since.


I stil get the lit moon as mentioned in another post.   Always doing some sort of test every few hours and is loud and drives me nuts.  Would love to disable that too.


See if this helps click on Canon Office Printer Utility. Select Remote UI and Login as System Manager Mode or General User Mode. On right side of page select settings/registration. Select Paper settings. Make sure Multi Purpose Tray is set to ON and Drawer 1 is set to your Paper Size Letter or A4. Then go to Common Settings make sure in Paper Source Auto Selection Copy, Printer, Receive and other Multi Purpose Tray is Off and Drawer 1 is ON. Then in Switch Paper Feed Method Multi Purpose Tray is set to Print Side Priority and Drawer 1 is set to Speed Priority. Save these settings. Then go to Copy Settings and make sure Paper Source is set to Drawer 1. Save this setting. Then go to Printer Settings and make sure in Prioritize Driver Settings When Printing Multi Purpose Tray is Off and Drawer 1 is On.  Set Action When Paper Size Mismatch is set to Force Output. Save This setting. Then go to RX Settings . Click on Common Settings make sure Continue Printing When Amount in Cartridge Is Low is set to ON. Save this setting.

Hopefully this might just solve your problem. Worth a try. I keep my MF643Cdw on 24 hours a day in sleep mode and when I send a Print job while it is sleeping it works just fine. I do not have to interact with the machine except to pick up my Printed Paper. Make sure there is no mismatch of paper sizes anywhere in these settings.


I reported that I also had this problem but it is resolved now. My printer now wakes from sleep automatically when a document is sent to it for printing. I don't know whether this was due to a Mac iOS update or a canon driver update.

Also, a super-easy solution is to open the Canon Business app on your phone, iPad, whatever, and tell it to scan something.  As it starts to scan, immediately cancel.  The printer is now awake and ready to print, and it takes just a few seconds.

Hope this helps someone!


PS. Even the newest Canon MFC Printers have the same annoying issues!  I'm not sure what good a networking printer is if I have to make a trip into the printer room to wake up the thing before I can print to it or scan anything!  Worthless!  I've had several different 700 series and they all do the same thing!  Switching to Brother and hoping for better results.  If that isn't enough, the silly paper mismatch issues make it completely annoying.  I have to walk to the other room and press 2 buttons to print anything!
