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Hello again

Hi Guys from TwiddlerI got locked out with a reset password debacle - going round in circles. In the end I had to register under a new email. I'm a relative beginner with an EOS90D kit lens and looking to expand. Also just got pointed towards infrare...

Ramsden by Enthusiast
  • 4 replies

Happy Thanksgiving

Being a global forum not everyone celebrates but to those that do, Happy Thanksgiving. And for those that don't, cheers to you on this glorious Thursday! I hope your upcoming weekend if filled with endless enjoyment!

A photographer from the past- George Masa

Several years ago, my wife and I joined a non-profit, Smokies Life, who contributes funds to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Over the years, I have seen references to George Masa. The Fall 2024 issue of Smokies Life Journal has a complete ar...

Does Canon make mobile phones?

Hello everyone!I am a photo and videographer.  I shoot on mobile. I have tried a lot of mobiles to shoot. I have a good experience with some of them. However, now I wants to know if canon has mobile phone. If yes, then I axpect that the mobiles have ...

High School Photography Program Sponsorship

Hello,I teach a High School Photography program with over 300 students per year. I have heard that Canon does sponsorships of high school photography programs for workshops, etc. My question is how can I get a sponsorship like this? Thank you,Matt

What a colourful world it must have been then

When we look at most artworks that have survived from ancient Greece, Rome or Egypt (to name a few) we are faced with just the surface decorations that have not succumbed to the ravages of time. However, there has always been evidence that statues an...


Resolved! Scam email?

I received this email from corporate(dot)canonusamanagement(@)gmail(dot)comis it a scam?I am Joey Snyder, Senior Marketing manager and editor for “CANONUSA" We are launching our influencer/ambassador campaign the for the last quarter and we sincerely...

Resolved! How to study or analyze one's photos

Hello Canon Community,Does anyone have any insight, advice, or thoughts on how to study or analyze one's photos to identify what is going wrong and what is going right? Essentially, in lieu of paying for a portfolio review, what steps or methods woul...

Zhaopian by Contributor
  • 6 replies

How far before it becomes trespassing?

There was a discussion on a local forum. Seems a person was discovered setting up a tripod and camera on private property. The property owner asked what they were doing. The reply was taking photos of trees. Property owner was concerned they were tak...

Unable to Find Canon Brand Can Motors

Hey Everyone,I wanted to know why did Canon decide to stop producing the EN-22 series Can Motors? They're the best designed motor I've ever used in my Model railroad business and now I no longer can get them.Thanks,Logan Thurman

LoganTMT by Apprentice
  • 8 replies

Ink order hasn't shipped yet

Seriously this is the worst website I've ever navigated.  Ordered ink a week ago and just realized, it hasn't arrived so signed in to check the status and it has yet to even leave the warehouse. No email regarding any issue and there is no one at all...

msjmt by Apprentice
  • 4 replies

Resolved! Suspicious email received claiming to be from Canon

Hi I have a small business with my wife and we use canon cameras. We recently received an email fro we think is a scam but just wanted to double check. The mail goes like this:  I am Khalid Aziz, brand influencer marke...

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