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Ink expiration date misinformation


Hello. I work in the electronics department at a local retailer, and I recently conducted an inspection of our printer ink section, with the goal of looking for expired ink, and removing them from shelves. I was able to accomplish this goal for all of the brands of ink that we sell, except for Canon, as none of their packaging shows an expiration date, manufacturing date, or use by date, in an understandable format, which raises many concerns. It is dishonest of Canon to claim that their printer ink does not expire, when the majority, if not all brands of printer ink, agree that their own product does expire. The act of not displaying an expiration date, in a readable form for consumers, needs to be addressed. 

Workers and consumers should not be required to decipher alphanumerical codes just so they know the date of expiration, manufacture, or use by. Workers and consumers also should not feel the need to guess when a product expires. There exists numerous images (able to be found via a Google search) that show Canon ink packaging displaying an expiration, manufacture, or use by date, and some have even displayed the amount of months until the ink expires. 

This is not an attempt to beg Canon to display expiration, manufacture, or use by dates; this is a request for Canon to be honest with people, and a request to stop subtly pushing a narrative that Canon ink is superior, subsequently due to the lack of a date present on their packaging.


Thank you, and I look forward to the responses.
