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When will Canon drivers be updated for Mac Big Sur operating system?


The current drivers for Canon printers on Apple produts have never worked with the beta of the Big Sur operating system. (they only print table outlines but no text).  Feedback to Apple acknowledges that many people have reported this but the reply is the "OS is operating as currently designed", meaning Apple feels its Canon's problem.


Once the OS is public, how long will it be until Canon releases updated drivers? Anyone have any insight, experience, or notion of when (or if) they will do so?



Nothing for imageclass either. Seems simple enough. Get the update done asap. Or, I buy elsewhere. I need to print at least 2  dozen times a day. 

Downloading from the Canon U.K. site totally worked for me -- I manually edited the URL for our copier model, and the driver installed and printing worked. THANK YOU!

I hasten to add to avoid confusion, in my case the printer driver is ok and the printer is working ok but what I cannot use is the Print Studio Pro plugin that is recommended if you are using Canon camera and Canon printer. This I gather has not been updated to Big Sur yet.


You think your doing the right thing by keeping your computers uptodate but seems to be a never ending issue with MAC, everytime there is a major update non of the other software seems to work. I had same issue with Catalina and now Big Sur, my Canon MG2500 Series 2 wont work. Hopefully wont have to wait too long before Canon come up with update

Same, here.  Don't think it is wise to replace computer which company wrongly handles with another be same company

Exactly the same


I found directions elsewhere. Reset printers from System preferences. Deleted all the Canon drivers, emptied the trash. Turned off computer, unplugged printer from both USB and power. Let them sit. Restarted computer, plugged in printer to power and USB. It said the Canon MX860 was there. Printed the test page. Found my latest document, and it printed text and pictures. Christmas miracle! LOL! 

I have two Canon printers, both obsolete: ImageClass D480 and ImageClass MF8380cdw.  When I installed Big Sur, there were no drivers for either one.  Then the printer driver came out for the 8380, followed a couple of days later by the one for the 480; the printing now works.   But none of the fax or scanner drivers would even install.  Today I found new drivers for these and they installed but don't work.  Be sure your drivers have 12/2020 dates or they won't do anything.  Like you, I cannot find the scanner for the 8380 and the 480 doesn't even recognize the scanner function.  I will keep checking to see if there are new drivers released that might work.


All the drivers on the Apple support site are way too old.  And Apple should have warned us that Big Sur was the operating system architecture that would blow up printing.  They warned us it was coming but never said it was here.

Like a cruel joke, I had one day of printing, even duplex printing and today -- nothing. Reset the printers, rebooted the computer. It was pathetic. You are right about the 12/20 drivers. This is infuriating. 

I just tried something someone else suggested.  I have installed all the new drivers for both the D480 and the MF8380cdw.  Printing works but not scanning.  I turned off my iMAC and my printers and started them again.  Now the scanning function (with the new driver) for the 8380 works but not for the 480.  But this was how it was prior to Big Sur.
