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Weird polarized view on older Canon DSLR EOS 5D (DIY sharing)

Rising Star

The phenomenon came all of a sudden when I switched on my long forgotten EOD 5D. It came exactly same as the description I found in an online forum.


After some hesitation, I opened up the back plate of the camera to give it a try. As I have no idea how to open it and where to find the screws, I searched and found the video below.


It's about 40D but it provided the information required. Both cameras are similar in design.


I removed the two flat cables. Inserted a pieces of foam under the loop of the cable connected to the LCD Panel. Removed the cable attached to the LCD back panel. Inserted it back and add a small piece of tape to reinforce and hold it in place more securely.


I put everything back and the LCD display is now back to normal.


20160109_215141 a.jpg20160109_222351 a.jpg20160109_215607 a.jpg20160109_220054 a.jpg20160109_220441 a.jpg20160109_220448 a.jpg20160109_221517 a.jpg



How can there be no replies to this thread??? Robot surprised


You fixed a DSLR with a piece of foam and some duct tape! Robot LOL Red Green would be mighty proud of you.

DIY is not quite welcome here in this forum I guess


You will notice that the standard answer to deal with camera problem is to send to Canon Service for repair. haha



@lly3988 wrote:

DIY is not quite welcome here in this forum I guess


You will notice that the standard answer to deal with camera problem is to send to Canon Service for repair. haha


Most of us are photographers, not electronics technicians. When we've paid a lot of money for a camera or lens, we have an aversion to the risk of doing something stupid that might screw it up.

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA

One doesn't have to be an electronic technician to do DIY repair. All photographers need an useable camera. If Canon won't fix it, there are always other ways. DIY is one of them.


Repairing something which Canon will not do is not something "STUPID". Canon will not repair 5D for sure.


DIY repair is not for the faint-hearted. There is always freedom of choice.


A very old and dated Canon 5D is still a very good camera in the right hand. What's wrong with fixing it and sharing other people the joy of bring it back to life.


I don't see anything in the OP convincing people to open up their expensive camera and lens to mess with them. So I guess it's okay to continue doing stupid diy repair as far as you don't convince people to do anything to affect the business of Canon Service.






@lly3988 wrote:

One doesn't have to be an electronic technician to do DIY repair. All photographers need an useable camera. If Canon won't fix it, there are always other ways. DIY is one of them.


Repairing something which Canon will not do is not something "STUPID". Canon will not repair 5D for sure.


DIY repair is not for the faint-hearted. There is always freedom of choice.


A very old and dated Canon 5D is still a very good camera in the right hand. What's wrong with fixing it and sharing other people the joy of bring it back to life.


I don't see anything in the OP convincing people to open up their expensive camera and lens to mess with them. So I guess it's okay to continue doing stupid diy repair as far as you don't convince people to do anything to affect the business of Canon Service.


What brought that on? It was you who ridiculed those who don't do their own repairs, not the other way around.


And the implication that I'm a Canon toady is absurd, as you must know if you've been reading this forum for as long as your profile says you have.

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA

Rising Star
I ridiculed those who don't do their own repair ?? Really ?? Where is it ? Please quote and thank you.

What makes you think that there is the implication that you are a Canon..... ? What have I said ?

I don't come here a lot coz I find it quite disturbing seeing people criticizing others doing thing STUPID.

Hold it. Do not quote my word. I didn't say that you are stupid. I know the guidelines of the forum and I respect others.

Rising Star
I gave you a kudo. Just to cool you down. Haha

@BurnUnit wrote:

How can there be no replies to this thread??? Robot surprised


You fixed a DSLR with a piece of foam and some duct tape! Robot LOL Red Green would be mighty proud of you.

There is a Kudo button, hence no replies are necessary to say good job, or thanks for the information. 

"All photographers need an useable camera."


Not exactly, mon ami.  Photographers need a 'reliable' camera that can be counted on.  I don't see duct tape accomplishing that.  I can just see it now, explaining to the bride that I didn't get her wedding photos because my duct tape fell off.  I am sure she would be understanding!

EOS 1D, EOS 1D MK IIn, EOS 1D MK III, EOS 1Ds MK III, EOS 1D MK IV and EOS 1DX and many lenses.