since ‎06-25-2014

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From time to time (including recently), someone questions why the best portrait lenses tend to be a bit on the long side of normal. The short answer is that if you get close enough for the subject's head to fill the frame, a shorter (normal or WA) le...
A DPP quirk I've been meaning to ask about for years: When I'm in the Edit Image Window, can I get the program to show me the name of the file I'm editing? It displays the fully qualified name of the folder the file is in, but not the name of the fil...
This afternoon my wife and I went to Boston's Museum of Fine Arts to see our fourth (at least) exhibit of Ansel Adams's work. This one was different from the others in that it juxtaposed many of Adams's photos with photos of the same or similar subje...
Is it my imagination, or is the Canon Web site a total mess tonight?
A major treat yesterday evening. My wife and I attended (along with several hundred other photographers) a lecture by Pete Souza, who was the official White House photographer under Barack Obama. He's hawking his new book, which weighs more than a 1D...