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Most sections of the forum seems to have more and more messages relating to video or live streaming making it difficult to find threads that only relate to still photography, for instance at the moment the first 7 threads in the software section are ...
For years Canon have been warning about the possible heat problems using their still cameras for long periods of video, even now most cameras have on screen warnings and automatic shutdowns if they get too warm so why suddenly is it alright to use th...
DPP seems to have gained a Clarity slider, it is greyed with my 7D2 raw files, the user manual states that it only works with certain cameras. Does anyone know which cameras this works with ? It is on the basic editing tab underneath Auto L...
Over the years I have accumulated a lot of old SD cards, today I decided to have a sort out of the ones I was never going to use.  I was running them through a card speedtest program when I found one that wouldn't even show up on the PC and seemed to...
Why can I not find a way to quote a previous post when I am replying to it.At the moment I cut and paste but it isn't as easy as it should be, am I missing something ?