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Using DPP and stacked telephoto extenders


I often see comments that one should just crop instead of using a 2x extender.

As an experiment, I stacked 2 extenders. It was cloudy, so there is high ISO noise.

Today, I was able to get macPorts to successfully build gmic-gimp, so I used gimp to further reduce noise after editing in Canon DPP software. While I usually run gimp on my Debian Linux machine, I wanted to test my build from source on my iMac. I share files between my iMac and my Debian Linux machine using SMB file sharing.

I tried using 2 stacked 2x extenders on my EOS R5, but image stabilization does not work with this combination and this firmware version. In some previous firmware versions this combination worked but others did not. My best guess is that IBIS does not get the correct focal length. I used EOS R5 plus EF100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II USM +1.4x III plus Kenko TELEPLUS HD C-AF 2X DGX for a total focal length of 1120 mm. I made this photo hand held standing on my front porch to demonstrate the image stabilization. The Kenko extender reports the increased focal length, but does not get its name put into the metadata.

The disadvantages to using a 2x extender include:

  • increased F Number possibly results in increased small aperture diffraction blur
  • increased resolution comes with decreased contrast at edges of small features

I have used exiftool to make a table of camera settings and edits done in DPP.

Northern Cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis) in Norman, Oklahoma, United States on February 26, 2025

100% crop in DPP to show noise100% crop in DPP to show noise

From DPP with no additional noise reduction

Saved from DPP as 16 bit TIFF, converted to 16 bit PNG by graphicsmagick, coverted to small enough JPEG for upload here using the Google jpegxliSaved from DPP as 16 bit TIFF, converted to 16 bit PNG by graphicsmagick, coverted to small enough JPEG for upload here using the Google jpegxli

additional noise reduction using the GMIC Gimp plugin

additional noise reduction using GMIC plugin in Gimpadditional noise reduction using GMIC plugin in Gimp


ExifToolVersion 13.09
FileName IMG_2841c.JPG
Model Canon EOS R5
Software Digital Photo Professional
ModifyDate 2025:02:26 11:14:06
Artist John Moyer
Software Digital Photo Professional
ModifyDate 2025:02:26 11:14:06
Artist John Moyer
DateTimeOriginal 2025:02:26 11:14:06
OffsetTimeOriginal -06:00
ContinuousDrive Continuous, Low
FocusMode AI Servo AF
CameraISO Auto
MeteringMode Evaluative
ImageStabilization On (2)
MeasuredEV 11.50
MeasuredEV2 9
TargetAperture 16
TargetExposureTime 1/512
ExposureCompensation 0
WhiteBalance Auto
MeasuredEV2 9
CanonImageType Canon EOS R5
CanonFirmwareVersion Firmware Version 2.1.0
AFAreaMode Face + Tracking
NumAFPoints 1
ValidAFPoints 1
FocusDistanceUpper 18.79 m
FocusDistanceLower 15.15 m
ShutterMode Electronic First Curtain
PeripheralLightingSetting Off
ChromaticAberrationSetting On
DistortionCorrectionSetting Off
DigitalLensOptimizerSetting On
PeripheralIlluminationCorr On
AutoLightingOptimizer Off
HighlightTonePriority Off
LongExposureNoiseReduction Off
HighISONoiseReduction Off
DigitalLensOptimizer Standard
DualPixelRaw On
AmbienceSelection Standard
WB_RGGBLevelsAsShot 1771 1024 1024 2330
ColorTempAsShot 4167
AFConfigTool Case 1
AFTrackingSensitivity 0
AFAccelDecelTracking 0
AFPointSwitching -1
AIServoFirstImage Equal Priority
AIServoSecondImage Equal Priority
InitialAFPointInServo Initial AF Point Selected
SubjectToDetect Animals
EyeDetection On
RollAngle 0.6
PitchAngle 6.4
FocalLength 1120 mm
SceneCaptureType Standard
LensModel EF100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II USM +1.4x III
Keywords cardinal, bird, Northern Cardinal, Cardinalis cardinalis, wildlife, wildlife photography, Oklahoma, TELEPLUS HD C-AF 2X DGX
ExifToolVersion 13.09
FileName IMG_2841.dr4
AngleAdj 0.6
WhiteBalanceAdj Daylight
WBAdjColorTemp 5200
PictureStyle Shot Settings
UnsharpMaskStrength 2
UnsharpMaskFineness 3
UnsharpMaskThreshold 5
LuminanceNoiseReduction 3
ChrominanceNoiseReduction 3
DLOSetting 40
GammaContrast 0
GammaColorTone 0
GammaSaturation 0.7
GammaUnsharpMaskStrength 2
GammaUnsharpMaskFineness 3
GammaUnsharpMaskThreshold 5
GammaSharpnessStrength 4
GammaShadow 0
GammaHighlight 0
GammaBlackPoint +0.000
GammaWhitePoint +2.000
GammaMidPoint +0.000
GammaCurveOutputRange 0 16383
DPRAWMicroadjustBackFront 1
DPRAWMicroadjustStrength 7
CropRotatedOriginalWidth 8249
CropRotatedOriginalHeight 5549
CropX 772
CropY 1168
CropWidth 6000
CropHeight 4000
CropRotation 0
CropAngle 0.6


Some of the command lines I used on macOS or on Debian Linux:

exiftool -cameratemperature -description -keywords -focallength -datetimeoriginal -ISO -rollangle  /Volumes/EOS_DIGITAL/DCIM/100CANON/IMG_2841.CR3 Camera Temperature
description=Northern Cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis) in Norman, Oklahoma, United States on February 26, 2025" IMG_2841c*.[JHT][PI][FG]  
exiftool -sep ", " -"keywords=cardinal, bird, Northern Cardinal, Cardinalis cardinalis, wildlife, wildlife photography, Oklahoma, TELEPLUS HD C-AF 2X DGX" IMG_2841c*.[JHT][PI][FG]
exiftool -tagsfromfile /Volumes/EOS_DIGITAL/DCIM/100CANON/IMG_2841.JPG -makernotes  IMG_2841c*.[JHT][PI][FG] 
gm convert -verbose IMG_2841c.TIF  -depth 16 IMG_2841cs3.png 
/home/jrm/src/libjxl/build2/tools/cjpegli -v -q 84 IMG_2841cs3.png IMG_2841cxlis.JPG
exiftool -tagsfromfile IMG_2841c.JPG   IMG_2841cxli.JPG

Source code for cjpegli is at and eventually I expect I will publish some version of this photo at

EOS R5 #DPP #Extender_EF_1.4x_III #Kenko_TELEPLUS_HD_C-AF_2X_DGX
