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R5 sharpness setting in picture styles


Honest, I've looked in both the printed manual and the pdf version, and I can't find the answer.

In the picture styles settings for the user defined styles, there is a setting for "sharpness" but it doesn't allow any changes.  Am I missing something, and if it's not to be modified then why even put it in the settings menu?

I'm new to this camera, but come from years of using the 1D series bodys so I do know my way around most of the menus. 

And seriously, if I've missed it, please point me to the page or paragragh or archived scroll that it's explained in.

Thanks for listening!


In the PictureStyleEditor program that I downloaded from Canon, if I open a CR3 file I can change all 3 unsharp mask parameters. Then it allows me to save the new style in a file. I would expect that the EOS utility could install the saved style file onto the camera. Does that not work for you?

If you are trying to do this in the Camera, I have not tried that. The manual calls it "Picture Style Registration". Is that what is not working for you?


Sorry about my earlier comment. I did not understand. I hope this might be more helpful.

Unsharp mask has three parameters when digital. For film photography it was analog and used a slightly out of focus enlarger.

The names of the 3 parameters vary from software to software. The three parameters give one much more control of the unsharp mask than does a single slider.

There is a very good explanation at:

Fineness might substitute for "radius".

I usually start with the "Standard Style" and almost always change the amount parameter from 4.0 to either 1.0 or 2.0. If no noise, I am likely to set "fineness" to 1.5 or 1.7 and if noise then I set fineness to 3.0 or 4.0. If there is blur, I set fineness to the number of pixels blurred.

@MisterWizard wrote:

The attached image is an example (taken from an online tutorial) of the detail set screen with the sharpness parameter simply not adjustable.  It's like that in any of the picture styles selections, the Portrait one was just the one I grabbed to illustrate my point.
I appreciate all the suggestions, and I usually shoot JPG for just quick run & gun stuff.  
It's not so much that I feel a compelling need to sharpen in camera as it is that I'm puzzled why the setting exists without any adjustment possibility.  I've not seen this on any other Canon camera menu. 
Like I said, I read thru the manual and the PDF manual and just haven't found any information about this, so I come to this wealth of knowledge with my questions.

Just a bit of info on this: Although not labeled as such, that is called an "Unsharp Mask" and allows you to adjust various aspects of sharpening. What I call plain "sharpening" is usually a 0-10 scale, which I understand to be just strength. I shoot Raw only and process in DPP 4 and both Sharpening and Unsharp mask are available in the "Sharpening panel"

If you are not familiar with the Unsharp mask and its controls, there are good articles on line, some way over my head and some that get to the point.

Examples of Sharpening available in DPP 4. Not that I am suggesting you use DPP 4, these are just examples 🙂

Unsharp Mask.jpgUnsharp Mask-2.jpg


John, we must have been composing our posts close to the same time. I just hadn't refreshed the page before I posted 🙂


As kvbarkley stated, you must select one of the "Sharpness" parameters.

Then Press SET to change the selected parameter.

Then Press SET again to store the new value.

Select parameter.png

Adjust value.png

"The attached image is an example (taken from an online tutorial) of the detail set screen with the sharpness parameter simply not adjustable."

Sometimes it's better to read the step-by-step directions in the manual rather than a possibly simplified "online tutorial" 😋

Yep, finally the light bulb comes on over my head!   Thanks to all for kindly pointing this out to me, even though it was staring me in the face the whole time.
