My new 80D takes pink pictures

My new 80D purchased at Costco as a bundle with a nice pair of Canon lenses has always taken pink pictures. I seldom get good photos from this camera. I am not an expert si only shoot pictures on auto setting. I've never touched any other setting ever. I see on this site that others have had thus problem. One poor fellow after trying all the suggestions and jumping through hoops was told to service his camera. Is Canon going to admit they have a serious problem and help us besides telling us to service a camera? What happened so that so many cameras are garbage from day one of purchase?

It amazes me when people go to all the trouble of asking for help on a forum then not only do they not take the slightest notice of what helpful forum members suggest what they should do to rectify the problem but they get all defensive when it is suggested that they might have done something wrong themselves Smiley Frustrated


And what surprises me most of all, I think, is that we've not seen even one sample picture that might help in analyzing the OP's problem. Members here won't likely be able to actually repair a defective camera in the forums, but they can surely advise some ways to troubleshoot certain issues before the camera has to be sent away to a repair center for an undetermined period of time.

BurnUnit said,


" but they can surely advise some ways to troubleshoot certain issues before the camera has to be sent away to a repair center for an undetermined period of time."


And I would add to his wisdom that needlessly sending a camera to a repair center creates a non-zero chance of shipping loss or damage with the additional hassle that brings. 


More than once I have purchased a  "new" item that has clearly been out of its box before either tried in the shop or returned.  There are many opportunities for a new camera to have been touched before it was purchased by the new owner and resetting to default is a quick way to rule out that issue.



EOS 1DX M3, 1DX M2, 1DX, 5DS R, M6 Mark II, 1D M2, EOS 650 (film), many lenses, XF400 video

@wq9nsc wrote:

BurnUnit said,


More than once I have purchased a  "new" item that has clearly been out of its box before either tried in the shop or returned.  There are many opportunities for a new camera to have been touched before it was purchased by the new owner and resetting to default is a quick way to rule out that issue.



We actually don't seal our boxes because we've found that our customers are a little more tactile. They like to touch the cameras, and try them out a little before purchase. It's not uncommon at all to get a brand new camera that's been "test driven," which means the settings will likely be all over the place. What is uncommon is to get a camera in a sealed box. That is often a telltale sign of a returned product. Our boxes are never sealed at the factory. 

You people dont read anything I'm posting here. I mention I have never touched a setting ever and the replies I get are you must have checked a setting. I post that the camera was new from Costco and I get replies stating that Canon cameras need to be purchased from a reputable dealer. I post that I read in this forum that restting to factory defaults and even replacing the chip did not fix these problems and I get replies stating reset to factory defaults.

What is funny this morning is I posted that the tech from Canon I called in Virginia said he knew exactly what the problem was ... the white setting which needs to be set manually and the color saturation which needs to be set manually. He was a nice fellow.

Also funny I posted the Canon repair facility is only five miles from my house so I can drive right over say hello in person and let them do their thing on my camera. I see a reply this morning from a friend gentleman telling me I'm risking my camera having it bounce around in the mail. I'm driving there.

Again ... I will update what they tell me and do to the camera.

FYI ... the Canon phone tech in Virginia knew what the issue was without seeing a sample picture. I'm going to bring samples for my local Canon people.

But for all of you who asked you can simulate a sample picture by simply putting on a pair of your rose colored glasses and look around 🙂

With all good cheer !

I will update soon my good fellows

Yes I misspoke... the camera box was not sealed... the people at Costco added a free memory chip so the box had no seal. What I was thinking is the cameras were protected in a caged area. Customers cannot play with them. They are each in their box in the back area. They have one on display on the floor with a security wire. I looked through the lens and checked out the zoom ability and clarity. I would not know how to check for white setting or color saturations ... I know how to check the white setting now ... maybe the guys at Canon will show me the color saturation settings too when I drive there with the camera.

A person buying at Costco... a huge warehouse ... pays first then takes their receipt to a counter where protected items are handed to you in person.

I was not going to post to your replies but I can't resist any longer.  The reason we suggest to reset the camera when any unknown issue happens it two reasons.  One it is very easy to do. Two it is a free remedy that works a significant amount of the time. It does not merit a derogatory response form you. We are simply offering solutions.


There is no doubt the best place for any problem with a Canon camera is at a authorized Canon repair facility. Not this forum!


This is what you presented us with;

"My new 80D purchased at Costco as a bundle with a nice pair of Canon lenses has always taken pink pictures. I seldom get good photos from this camera .... I've never touched any other setting ever. .... Is Canon going to admit they have a serious problem and help us besides telling us to service a camera? ...(Canon) ... cameras are garbage from day one of purchase?"


The 80D is not garbage as many thousand upon thousands preform beautifully everyday. Most do not take "pink" pictures.

You never even mentioned what lenses you bought in the "bundle".  Or,offered a sample photo, just I didin't do anything wrong.  Just that Canon needs to admit it has a serious problem.


At this point I suggest you take your own advice and, "the Canon repair facility is only five miles from my house so I can drive right over ... and let them do their thing on my camera."


I bet they do a factory reset first off. Smiley Happy

EOS 1D, EOS 1D MK IIn, EOS 1D MK III, EOS 1Ds MK III, EOS 1D MK IV and EOS 1DX and many lenses.

Thanks for your reply ... the reason I ended up on this forum is when I Googled the pink picture problem there was a link pointing me here ... I then read the stories of a couple of people who were frustrated. They reset their cameras as requested and one even replaced the chip with no success. The ultimate conclusion offered to them was have the camera serviced.

Before speaking with the great tech person in Virginia I wondered out loud how an issue so critical to a person taking great automatic pictures can trust the quality control where these are massed produced. I've already had many pictures completely ruined thinking it was the lighting for that particular day.

I work with servers and large networks. I know that getting a piece of hardware from a factory needs to be right otherwise you can never really trust that brand again. Quality control is critical. A company cannot say oh well we only caused major problems for three percent of the networks we sold hardware to. We'll investigate our quality control if the problem reaches five percent ... after we have our crispy cream and starbucks of course.

I've had family to take care of this past week. I'll post the solutions the Canon tech people implement on my sick camera.

Thanks for your concern !


You seem to think all other companies except Canon make 100% perfect products?  If there is a problem Canon people will fix it.

I would lighten up a bit with the, " many (Canon) cameras are garbage from day one of purchase?", before you make the Virginia trip. Sugar vs vinegar thing. Good luck and do get back with us.

EOS 1D, EOS 1D MK IIn, EOS 1D MK III, EOS 1Ds MK III, EOS 1D MK IV and EOS 1DX and many lenses.

”Yes I misspoke... the camera box was not sealed... the people at Costco added a free memory chip so the box had no seal. What I was thinking is the cameras were protected in a caged area. Customers cannot play with them. They are each in their box in the back area.”

True. The big ticket items are kept in a cage away from customers. What do you think happens to returned items? They go in the high security area, too.

Like I pointed out earlier, returned items have a way of being resold to the next customer. Seeing how the 80D kit is not current item, you most likely purchased residual stock they are trying to get rid of.

This is why I suggested that you reset the camera back to a KNOWN state. Did you try it? If you did not know you should have asked how to do it.
"Enjoying photography since 1972."