EF & RF Lenses
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Attempting to install RF mount lens on EOS Rebel T7

Hello, I have an EOS Rebel T7 camera and recently bought an RF100-400 f5.6-8 IS USM lens. I tried to install my camera lens to my camera and it doesn't work. I twisted it in multiple ways but to no avail. Did I buy an incompatible lens? Do I need to ...

Resolved! Strange double halos around my Sigma 50mm (using 6d MII)

I am suddenly getting these semi-=opaque double halos around all my shots with my Sigma 1.4 50mm. (These are iPhone screen shots off my LCD.)  I've never seen anything like this before. Is there some setting in the camera that is doing this? It does ...

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Skip70 by Enthusiast
  • 5 replies

EF 300mm f/4 L IS USM vs RF 100-400mm on R7

I have an EF 300mm f/4 that I haven't used a lot, partly because I got busy with other things and wasn't using my camera that much at the time, and partly because I realized it didn't have the reach I needed for one of my main interests (wildlife/bir...

cadde by Apprentice
  • 5 replies

EF 70-300 IS USM Mkll: lens for my rebel T8i

I have been lookong everywhere for this lens and cant find one that says mkII but i found this canon cameras us ef 70-300 is II usm f/4-5.6 fixed camera lens at the canon store on amazon. Here is theblink not sire if it eill show up but is this the s...

Diakara by Contributor
  • 5 replies

EOS M50 Mark II & EF 70-200mm f2.8 L IS II USM Won't Focus

Hello Amazing people. Hope y'all are having a great day. I bought a Canon EF 70-200mm 70-200 f/2.8L f/2.8 f2.8 L IS II USM lens for my 13 year old who has taken up interest in shooting sports scenes. I bought it for him from eBay. Anytime he tries to...

Resolved! ARE YOU KIDDING? - Lens availability

I can't believe you're still in business! It's 2024 and you STILL have no lenses for your mirrorless AFFORDABLE cameras! WHY ARE YOU EVEN MAKING cameras like the R50, R100, R10, R7???? Are you stupid? 

New Product Announcements!

RF200-800mm F6.3-9 IS USM  Powerful zoom range from 200mm through 800mmCompatible with Extender RF1.4x and Extender RF2x, at all focal lengthsComfortable handheld shooting and amazing mobilityOptimized optical design maintains high image quality thr...

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ccanada by Administrator
  • 13 replies

EF 400mm F2.8L IS USM Bayonet Mount Tapped Hole Stripped

My lens has seen some rough times. I purchased it used from someone who shot with it for a living. It is ugly. But was working well. The weather seal on the mount was shot, so I wanted to replace it. Sadly one of the 4 threaded tabs on the lens is st...

Which Lens Should I Buy Next for My R50?

I can provide as many details as necessary if I leave any pertinent info out here. Sorry, this is my first thread on Reddit. I've only had my R50 since Christmas 2023 and I'm still in the process of learning everything about it and photography itself...

chiss by Apprentice
  • 4 replies

Optical Resolution on the EF-S 18-55 mm lens

Hello! I am a researcher using an EF-S 18-55 mm lens to film some mechanical testing of composite structures I have 3D printed using a polyjet printer and I was wondering if anyone knows the dpi on this lens or has tested it? The points I am tracking...

PolyJet by Apprentice
  • 3 replies

Canon EF 500mm f/4L IS USM Maintenance Recommendations

Hi,Being the owner of a EF 500mm f/4 for almost fifteen years I would liketo have it maintenance serviced. Unfortunately Canon no longer supportsservice for this lens. Can anyone recommend a good lens maintenancecompany in the Southeast US? Thank you...

Mark7pro by Apprentice
  • 3 replies

Resolved! Soft / Blurry zoomed photos on Cannon R8 EF 100-400mm lens

Please help, not sure what changed in my manual photo setting but my photos are turning out soft / blurry when zoomed in. It was not this way before. Here are some pics and settings of the photos  The birds were not that far from me, it was a cloudy ...

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