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U052 Printhead Problem MX870


Stopped printing while in the middle of a big job with full ink tanks, then when turned back on, gave the dreaded U052 print head error message.  I have tried everything given by Canon to re-start the printer, nothing works.


It dawns on me that maybe my ink tank stopped feeding ink despite the tank being full- the vent hole might not have been open all the way to allow ink to pass through.


I'm wondering whether this could somehow mess up the printhead, maybe it needs ink to keep it cool during operation or something??


It's completely aggravating that it stopped as it has and now that prevents even the scanner or fax from working-- this seems like a bad design.


Does anyone know whether the print head can be messed up if the tank stops feeding ink while in the middle of a print job?


Thanks!  And if you know that answer, then what do you do to get printer working again??




It IS a genuine problem, and Canon has no idea how to 'sort' it for us. In fact, they have no intention of sorting anything for us. Their troubleshooting advice DOES NOT WORK. The best advice is to just move on to another manufacturer.

That's what I did. Epson printers are great!! Sad to say but it's a throw away world we live in and it's driven by large greedy companies with only profit in mind. Individual consumers don't matter to them. We can't change it so be happy and just do your thing. What used to annoy me is their ink prices. They are unbelievably high, which is why you can buy a printer for $50 but pay through the nose to run it. I'm surprised cars don't sell for $100 so we can pay $100 litre for fuel to run them. like printers, when they run out of ink - you just buy a new one, throw the old one in the bin and help polute our once great planet. That's my rant, I'm going for swim and have a cold beer!

I unpluged the printer, removed the printhead and cleaned the gold contacts with rubbing alcohol. Then I wrapped a piece of 400 grit sandpaper around my finger and lightly sanded the pins inside the printer that contact the printhead. When I put it all back together and powered up the printer the U052 error was gone. We'll see how long it lasts.

Great. May I know how to take it apart for the clean up?

Here's a video shows how to remove the printhead:

I don't think it's necessary to clean the printhead. Only need to clean the gold contacts.

The fix didn't last long. I'm getting it again.

Buy an Epson and save yourself grief from a greedy non-caring money grabbing company. Just sayin'

If they really did care about their customers, they would replace your printer with one that is not programmed to fail. Have they done that for you?

Jim, sorry to learn that it did not last long. Maybe there is a life time on the print head. Please keep me posted on your next action and result.
Thanks and best wishes.

There is a life for the print head and I would assume it's programmed to fail, just after the warranty period has expired.


Decided to join the global chorus of disgruntled, disappointed, cheated and unhappy users of Canon MX870, all entries regarding Error U052 on Canon MX870 are relevant to my experience with my MX870, nothing I have done has rectified the dreaded U052 Error but interestingly enough one entry mentioning the use of 'chip counter' by the Crook CANON INC. simply affirmed what I have long been suspecting and that is Canon Inc has predestined the demise of every product that Canon manufactures !!!


Years ago when in business I kept wondering how on earth Epson knew that I was a user of its printer, it turned out that once the printer was connected to internet (during the wireless set-up) it was the beginning of the constant bombardment of OEM Ink online advertisement along with a constant reminder of 'Unless OEM is used it would void the warranty etc etc ...', the same must have also happened to my beloved MX870 which will soon head towards the bin in the most disastrous manner to our fragile environment, yes I am guilty as a result of Greedy Crook like Canon Inc.


In addition, also mentioned in this forum which infuriated me the most is the disposal of brand new ink purchased in bulk !!!


Been a Canon printers user for decades and now a definite switch of allegiance to another brand, I thank this forum and its participants, the next brand will not be connected to internet and to those reading this post I would also like to share my experience about OEM Ink which is one of the biggest scams on the planet, the only OEM ink cartridges were the ones which came in the box, for decades I have Always used generic which can be bought cheaply in a bottle of 100ml or 250ml, hope you are all aware of this.


Cheers & Cheers to the demise of Canon Inc globally.
