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Canon TM-200 Error EC21-2F53 – Printhead Issue?



I'm experiencing a printhead-related issue with my Canon TM-200 printer. The printer displays the error code EC21-2F53, which seems to indicate a problem with the printhead voltage (VH).

Troubleshooting Steps Taken:

✔️ I removed the faulty printhead from my TM-200 and installed it into another, fully functional TM-200 printer. The second printer also failed to recognize the printhead, showing a similar error.
✔️ I then installed a working printhead from the second printer into the one that originally had the error. It was detected without any issues, confirming that the printer itself is working fine.
✔️ I cleaned the printhead contacts (but not with water) and tried reinstalling it, but the error persists.


Since the working printhead is recognized in both printers and the faulty one is not, it seems that the printhead itself is damaged.


  1. Is there any known method to reset or repair a faulty printhead, or is replacement the only option?
  2. Could a firmware update cause this issue?
  3. Is this a common problem with Canon TM-200 printheads?

I would appreciate any advice or recommendations. Thanks in advance!
