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TR4720 won't install on windows 10


Canon TR4720 Printer Problem                                                                       August 18, 2022

I purchased the Canon PIXMA 4720 from Amazon on 7/27/22 for $99.  It was delivered and installed a day later to my Windows 10 desktop computer with no problems.  During the next month I noticed the printer power would shut down after a short time and have to be manually restarted prior to each use.  This was very inconvenient and unlike my previous HP ink jet printer which was always on in the background.  To solve the problem I contacted Canon technical support and was connected to James Hume in India.  His contact phone number was [Removed per Community Guidelines].  James was very courteous and spoke excellent English.  After making several checks he asked if he could connect to my Windows 10 PC. I granted him permission and watched as he analyzed the printer time out problem.  He ran the same printer driver install program that I had previously completed. After several minutes James explained the problem was with my computer, not the printer.  I was astonished since this PC has functioned flawlessly for many years and has the latest update from Microsoft.  And I routinely run two commercial software programs to detect and clean my PC (cCleaner and Malwarebytes). Also, the computer and printer worked flawlessly prior to me contacting Canon tech support.  James said he could fix the computer but not for free under the Canon warranty.  He said it would cost me $49 and would take maybe 60 to 90 minutes.  Once again I was amazed since I am very experienced and have built Windows computers for 25 years.  I denied James fix request and terminated our conversation.  Next I installed the Canon 4720 wirelessly into my HP Windows 10 laptop.  Both the printer and laptop are working fine.  Then I tried unsuccessfully to install the Canon TR 4720 software back into my Windows 10 PC.  The drivers installed but the software would not.  In fact, the software install program would not complete and would not cancel or close.  The only way to remove that open window was to reboot the computer!

So here’s the bottom line after utilizing Canon’s tech support.  My brand new Canon TR4720 ink jet printer no longer connects to my Windows 10 desktop computer and is thus unusable.  The good news is that same printer works just fine with my HP Windows 10 laptop.

Does Canon have any competent technical employees that can correct the problem that James caused so the TR4020 printer can be installed on my Windows 10 desktop computer?  If so, my contact information is below.

[Removed personal info per Community Guidelines]


Product Expert
Product Expert


It looks like you reach a company that claimed to be Canon. Canon will not advise that we can fix computers nor charge a fee to do so. Canon will only troubleshoot the printer and printer software and if it looks like the issue is coming from the computer itself, we advise to reach out to Microsoft or Apple. 

If the printer can work on one device and not another, it would appear that the issue is with the computer but since this happened after the person logged into your computer, I am not sure what they may have done.

I recommend reaching out to Microsoft or to the security software you use and have them check your computer. 

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Thanx for the reply, Art.  I definitely understand that Canon can't advise or fix Windows computers  I have contacted Microsoft and my security software to no avail.  My original intent of clicking on the Canon tech support web link on Canon's own web site was to stop my new Canon TR4720 from timing out and automatically shutting down after some period of time.  That problem has not been resolved.  Another item that concerns me is almost all of Canon's web sites are not available online.  Since that "fraudulent" person logged into my PC, I am unable to remove the TR4720 printer from Windows 10 devices and printers section.  Since you said Canon will only troubleshoot a Canon printer and printer software maybe you can correct the problem of the printer software failing to complete installation.  Apparently the software is hung up on installation of the MP drivers.

Charles Vanderford

I am not a Windows repair person or a Microsoft expert.

When I have had issues with my computer I download and use the free version of CCleaner and run the Registry tool.

I have never had a bad experience using CCleaner and it always resolved my problem.

Take that for what it is worth and make your own decision. I have no relationship with CCleaner other than as a user.

John Hoffman
Conway, NH

1D X Mark III, M200, Many lenses, Pixma PRO-100, Pixma TR8620a, Lr Classic


Thanx, John.  As referenced in my original message, I use CCleaner and Malwarebytes frequently.

I missed that. Did it not help with this problem?

John Hoffman
Conway, NH

1D X Mark III, M200, Many lenses, Pixma PRO-100, Pixma TR8620a, Lr Classic


No.  Have run CCleaner many times and no help.

After that fraudulent person was on your computer, I'd have Windows Defender scan PC for any problems.

Have you tried going into Control Panel > Programs and removing software that way?  If it won't remove and you can't install printer software and run your printer, you may need to reinstall Win10 on that PC.  May be the safest bet in case anything undetectable was installed on your PC during the phone conversation.  Might not be the answer you want, but I don't know what else would work.  Make sure everything important is backed up outside of PC before reload and on a regular basis if not already.

I might be a newbie here, but I'm also a Rockstar on Dell Community.  Hopefully that doesn't get edited out.

Best of luck!!

Nothing has worked so I reinstalled Windows 10 to rid the PC of any possible content installed by the fraudulent supposed Canon tech support person.  Then I installed the Canon TR4720 ink jet printer and it installed just fine.  All works fine but I still have my original question for Canon tech support:  how can I prevent the printer from timing out and powering down after some unknown time period and shutting off the power?  If in another part of the house with a wireless laptop and you try to print something you get a printer is powered off message.  That means you have to go to the printer's location and manually press the power button. After waiting a short time you can finally print your document.  However, after some unknown time the printer will power down again.  This is very frustrating and never happened with an HP printer.

Does your printer install the Canon IJ Printer Assistant Tool application?

Screenshot 2022-08-26 083247.jpg

John Hoffman
Conway, NH

1D X Mark III, M200, Many lenses, Pixma PRO-100, Pixma TR8620a, Lr Classic