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Pixma TS9120 Power Issue


I got this printer back in May and had no issues with it until recently. I typically leave it unplugged when I'm not using it. The other day I plugged it in and it won't power on. The power light comes on, but the display doesn't, I'm unable to print and I also can't ping the printer from the command line. I found the manual and followed the "won't power on" troubleshooting (unplug it and plug it back in) and had no change. I've tried different outlets and have confirmed other devices work on those outlets. I tried to submit a repair request, but after I enter the serial number and everything, the Canon site takes me a page with a picture of people in an office, a cancel button, a back button, and a non-functioning continue button. There doesn't seem to be a support email, and I personally work in tech support so I'd rather do just about anything than get home from being on the phone troubleshooting all day just do to do it so more. Their support number doesn't have weekend hours. Does anyone have any ideas on what I can do about this short of taking the printer out back Office Space style and never purchasing Canon products again? I was very happy with this printer up until now.


They ended up sending me a new printer since there was no fix for mine.  Thank goodness it was still under warranty.

I was out of the warranty for a month when this happened. The best I could get was a discount for another Canon printer, which I will certainly not be using.


Is there no solution for the problem?
