PIXMA TS6100 documents stuck in print queue


I've had the same issue and managed to use the stop the printer spool queue. 


I have a Canon TS6100. I have found this the most tempramental printer ever owned. It took two days of trying to get iot to actually register everything correctly with our various laptops and smartphones (something our 5yr old Epson did with ease). Since then we have had numerous printer blocks or printer queue issuse. The print quality is great but the interface/function is so poor its simply not worth it. The kids find it nearly improssible to complete homework assignments without me having to perform some intervention.


Any suggestions......aside from buying a better printer. 



Hi Eddyathome,


Let's start by checking the printer's connection to the wireless network.

Use the operation panel to print the printer's current network settings.


  • The network settings printout contains important information about your network. Handle it with care.

  1. Make sure that the printer is turned on.

  2. Load three sheets of A4 or Letter-sized plain paper.

  3. Select "Network status" on the touch screen.

  4. Check the displayed message and select Yes.

  5. Select Print details.

  6. Select Yes.
    The printer starts printing the network setting information.

Much of the information will not be relevant, but the important things to look at are:

  1. Is the connection active or inactive?

  2. Does the SSID (network name) match the one the computer uses?

  3. What is the signal strength?

  4. What is the IPv4 IP address?

I look forward to your reply.

Was this thread ever finished? I am getting the same problem on my TS6151

Hi, TomH1!


Welcome to the Canon Forums!


If you've followed the above troubleshooting steps, please post your results, and we'll be happy to forward your information over to a Subject Matter Expert for review. 


If your question is of an urgent nature, and you're in the USA, please visit your My Canon Acount to find your personalized support options HERE.


If you're outside of the USA, please click HERE to find your support options. 

I followed the instructions


Connection is active

SSID matches

Signal strength is 54%

IP Address is


Meanwhile I have followed some other instructions I found to clear the print queue via thecmd screen. That worked to clear the jam although it did print everything in the queue instead of deleting everything as I expected.


Now the printer seems to be working OK again. Although I have not tried many long documents yet. It seems to respond to print commands virtually instantaneously agasin. It had become thoughtful recently.

Hi TomH1.


54% is considered low for the TS6100 series; we generally recommend at least 70% signal strength.  Try moving the printer closer to the router (no closer than ~ 2 ft), and/or minimize obstructions between the two.  Low signal strength can cause issues such as interrupting printing mid-print, lack of printer responsiveness, long print times, and even (as you've experienced) the print queue not recognizing when a print job is completed.


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Right. That makes sense. Maybe I will run a cable the 1 Metre to my PC! That would not help printing off iPad or our phones.I have a wifi booster that I could re-position. 


I do need the printer to be where it is.

Can't see a 'Accept as Solution' Button. Will a Kudo do the trick?