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PIXMA MP250 I need help with a print spooler error message


Out of the blue I lost my printer connection.  When I look at my printer menu there is no printer listed.  When I try to add or install a printer, I get some odd message about a printer spooler is not running.  Restart the machine.  I've tried unhooking the printer, rebooting, unhooking from the power source.  I even went into some area as an administrator and found the print spool task and when I clicked on the start button there was no action.


Thanks for posting, Happy58!  As this thread is over a decade old and may contain outdated information, we recommend starting a new thread for your question.  Just click here to go to our Desktop Inkjet Printers board and then click the red "Start a Conversation" button.  When posting, be sure to provide as much relevant information as possible, including your printer model, whether it's connected via a USB cable or Wi-Fi, whether your computer runs Windows or macOS, etc. so that the Community can get the clearest picture of what you're dealing with.

We look forward to seeing your post!
