MX492 is possessed!! Help!



First time posting here. I have the Canon Pixma MX492. I replaced the black ink cartridge with a new one the other day and used it twice without any problems. Early this morning it started turning off and on by itself. I tried unplugging it and rebooting it and it won't stay on long enough to do anything. It doesn't even give an error message and none of the buttons work. It just keeps turning off and on, off and on. I need this for work! Help! 



Mine started doing the same thing yesterday. Turned my Wifi off and the printer works fine. Turned the Wifi back on and the printer became possessed again. Apparently I can't have the wifi and printer on at the same time! And why did this just start happing yesterday along with everyone else? 


Having this same problem.  It's really frustrating.


Thank you for this.  I just went out and bought a new printer and then found your info.  Did as you described and my printer is working fine now.  


Hi Eileen - Agree that Canon has to fix this but I was able to follow the above info.  Brought the instructions up on my IPad.  I'm 85 years old and not computer savvy.  This does work.


Canon Maxify MB2320

Printer started power cycling when Canon screwed everyone else this past weekend.  I took the DNS "Fix" and instead of doing all of the steps I only....

  1. Unplugged the printer
  2. Unplugged the modem ethernet from the router (You could also turn off router)
  3. Plugged in the printer, it turned on by itself, cycled and finally brought me to the menu without shutting off
  4. Plugged the modem ethernet back into the router
  5. Test printed from the PC, worked
  6. Test print from mobile, worked
  7. So far, so good

Hi!  We've released a firmware update to take care of this issue. Learn more now by clicking HERE.

Hope this helps!

That didn't work. 

I think this worked!! Thank you!!!
