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Custom Sized Paper Settings MX922 Inkjet Printer


I have configured an older MX320 printer to print checks. I wish to do the same with my MX922. I am currently using a 2018 MacBook Pro running Ventura 13.0.1 and I am using Pages 12.2.1

The check paper dimensions are 6.25" X 2.75"

The printer seems to recognize the 2.75" height of the check but the print cuts off at 6.0" so the last digit in the date gets truncated. I am using the upper paper tray set at 4" X 6". I have tried moving the slide from 6" to 6.25" but it did not resolve the problem. I suspect that the printer has predefined paper size options and cannot accept non-standard sizes. With the exception of the last date digit, everything is printing as expected. Can anyone offer options?
