Canon Pixma TR4720 driver installation failed


We recently had a problem with our router. The printer was working just fine before the router issue, but after we got that resolved the printer wouldn't work. I uninstalled and reinstalled the printer. It's connected to the router now but I keep getting a message saying Driver Unavailable. I attempted to download and install the drivers several times but I keep getting a message that says installation failed. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you!




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Thanks and have a great day!

Thank you for letting me know - I am running Windows 10.


Does the Canon driver installer run and it fails when you select wireless connection method or does the installer fail to run in general after downloading?

We look forward to your reply.

It fails to run in general.

To clarify, I can run the download and it goes through all the steps but at the very end I get the message "installation failed".


Can you send a screen shot of the error message that appears? Does the installer find the printer after you select wireless connection?

We look forward to your reply.

Hello! I went through the driver installation process again so I could take a screenshot of the message I got when it failed, and this time it somehow worked so I am up and running! Thank you for taking the time to reply to my previous messages to try and help me work through this!!


 se a number of users with the same problem I have ("Installation failed" after several attempts to download driver for PIXMA 4700.  I do NOT see any replies or solutions.  Am I missing it here or did canon simply not respond??

Welcome to the forum!

Since this is an old thread, please start a new thread for the issue you're currently experiencing. Be sure to include the exact error message. The forum is not intended for immediate support. If this is a time-sensitive matter, click HERE search our knowledge base or find additional support options HERE
